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Friday, January 13, 2017


I'm a racist. Apparently. And a xenophobe too. Again apparently. All due to my voicing, vociferously and with no shortage of profanity, admittedly, my outrage at the acts of certain cultures in our global society.

So, whilst not being n anthropologist of any kind they would tell me, the following is true and accurate of the human race.

As far as having tow eyes, two ears etc, sharing the same 5 senses, yes, we are alike, identical even. Being, in point of fact of the same species of animal. But that's where the similarity ends. In a social sense, our differences become more apparent.

We are not, in fact, "all the same". We are clearly in different stages of evolution. This isn't about colour, as some ("some" being those too afraid and therefore without argument) would have you believe. No, this is about culture. How a society behaves.

There are essentially 3 groups of "peoples" in the world, and this has been the case forever, basically.
The Celts/Anglo Saxons/Germanics (The West)
The Roman Catholics (The West)

The Muslims (The Middle East)

The Asians (The Far East)

Two of the above three groups of people behave in a way towards animals that is an anathema to all good and decent people ( people of the West. Educated and civilised).
Our (The West) forbears, many centuries ago, had to kill our prey in much the same way, though I might add, that even our early ancestors didn't skin and boil alive their prey. The y would have perhaps boiled it. Certainly cooked it over a fire at least, but I would fairly assume they killed the animal first, quickly and without taking any kind of unnecessary pleasure from it.
This would have been perhaps 2000 years ago.
This. Today. Is not 2000 years ago, however.

We, (The West) do not do that anymore. We have moved on from such acts of savagery and barbarity. We, as the apex predator, with no enemies but ourselves, have a duty to use our comparably supreme intellect for good, not evil. Our duty is to be benign rulers over all; to protect those who can't protect themselves. This isn't some greenie, wishywashy, tree-hugging thing here. Save the planet and all that nonsense, but more about the prevention of heinous acts. unnecessary and bloodthirtsy acts.
The West isn't perfect. We have our own share of psychos and pure evil. Of course. But we have exported a way to the world of behaving in a civilised fashion. A recent documentary I watched about the British Empire, closed the doco with words to the effect, "showed the world how it should be done". The doco, which had "celebrities" - I don't care for that word...- giving their input, also admitted that at times, the methods used were somewhat brutal, but that the end justified the means. And when one looks at the "end", the evolution, exportation of civilisation, then yes, I think even the most jaded anti West person would have to admit that it has been worth it.
Essentially, the first world, was exported from Britain. Like it or not, this is a fact.
And part of what we exported, to get back to the point after my slight digression, was the humane treatment of animals. Interesting point actually, refrigeration was invented by a British captain who needed to find a way to transport cattle and sheep post slaughter back to England. Even then, we had a civilised manner. A decorum. An empathy for living things. one could of course argue that it was a financial decision, that more meat could be fitted on the ship, post slaughter due to its lesser size.
Whatever the reason, we now, and for a long lng time have morally and ethically decided that all animals deserve humane treatment.
Oh but, you say, we do the same. We too abuse animals. And yes, in some cases, fairly rare cases, given the amount of animals dispatched, we have found some amongst us who behave in such an inappropriate way. Such people are sacked. Or moved away (in a potential cover up - just like Catholics and their peado priests, but now I really am digressing) or in worst cases of cruelty, jailed.

Other races, celebrate such brutality. Such as the hideous, and frankly a crime against humanity, so called Soi Dog Festival.
Others still, claim such horrendous abuse is part of their "religion"

Both parties behave in such a way, that if a more intelligent species did in fact visit us they would clearly assume such people to be un-evolved, primal, a sub species. And they'd be right. Such brutality upon another living, breathing, thinking, sentinent being is indeed the act of a savage and primal race of beings.

So to wrap this up, yes, we are all the same in terms of the basic human function, re: the aforementioned tow eyes, ears etc.

But it is our ability to evolve from the savage we were, to feel compassion, empathy for other species that separates us from the beasts.