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Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Ahhhh…that special breed of individual. Found predominately tangled in a web of lies, they gravitate towards political opportunism like the proverbial flies round a cow pat.
In the beginning, they were men of wisdom; of fibre; of honour. They championed the common man with heart and fervour; and if they ever slipped, the ethically high standard bearing opposition were there to keep ‘em honest.
A visiting English professor is conducting several lectures on these fine protagonists.
Turns out they’re not like that at all! Gadzooks!
They still claim to have our best interests at heart; and sure enough if ‘best interests’ means filling their pockets and taking tax payer funded jaunts around the globe, then they deserve medals.
And the rot has sunk so deep that the once upright opposition now are like the manipulators they once sought to keep true.
The typical opposition leader, bereft of any alternative policies, now resorts to banal dirt-slinging and infantile denial.
Recently, one such (insert chosen adjective here) crowed with righteous belief – ‘if we were elected, we would performance-base MP’s wages’.
Further, he claimed (now on a wave of the earlier righteousness) that, ‘if they don’t make the grade, they’ll get docked wages – even sacked’. Oh, he was roaring along by the end!
Well, isn’t that fantastic? Judging by the ineptitude of one’s average politician, that should cut half the average cabinet. And we’ll have the cream of the crop left, I suppose? Foolproof.
Except, what actually would happen would be more akin to – they would be voted in, screw up as per usual, then cover up and misdirect. A senior member would strenuously defend – ‘well, we really can’t just arbitrarily withhold funds from the minister. He did his best, but there were extenuating circumstances’.
On he’d rattle with misdirection and avoidance until we all get bored. Soon it would fade away as the next crisis superseded it.
I mean, does anybody, seriously believe that anything politicians say during election time (especially election time but pretty much always) is ‘money in the bank’.

They so obviously say what they think we want to hear, get elected, and subsequently ignore it all.
And every time the voters fall for it. I am often left stunned at the gullibility of the average voter.
Politicians should be wise and intelligent; their aim should be the competent management of the country they represent. Instead, nowadays, they appear to do nothing but fill their pockets and manipulate the public to extend their own personal powerbase.

The same professor’s research has shown the public’s opinion of politicians is bordering on apathetic. In short, the public feel they aren’t represented. They feel as above that the ‘honourable members’ are ignoring their wishes and demands. That they simply no longer have any interest in serving anything other then themselves.

The problem begins with the election of incompetents into the various portfolios. Some of these…people have no actual training in the chosen field. They’re often just ordinary Joes, thrust into an arena in which they have zero experience. They have a go; they inevitably fail and they’re shifted around to another position – where, surprise surprise, they fail again.
Eventually they find themselves on the backbench where they exist on the public purse permanently. And such a purse it is. Lordy! Where do I get a job like that?

These people wouldn’t last to the end of the week in the public sector; wouldn’t get the job full stop actually, truth be told. I mean, would you employ these buffoons?
Performance basing wages of these cretins would certainly be effective (and frankly save an absolute motza) but as it is they who will legislate such a law, we’ll just have to keep hoping an honest man gets elected. Good luck waiting for that!
Like our porcine friends with their noses in the trough, they snort and bite as they manoeuvre for the perfect position. To quote a dear friend of mine – ‘it’s just wrong’. And so it is.

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