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Saturday, April 28, 2007

I'm back

Far out, I've been ignorin this corner of late. But I'm back now, armed with reams of research and ready to put it out there.

Think I've maybe mellowed a bit - have to wait and see 'bout that though.

The pollies have been at their infuriating best again, especially that twat Iemma. And his obvious manipulation concerning the Lane Cove tunnel. This roughly 2 K tunnel which runs between Epping and the Warringah freeway, is facing the same future as the disastrous cross-city tunnel (which has recently fallen into receivership after the public turned away in droves when the RTA closed virtually every other access road around it, in a failed attempt to force traffic into said tunnel).

The toll-free period has just finished and the goverment expect a reduction of about 10%. Interestingly and promoting suspicion of conspiracy in yours truly, radio broadcasters that previously were against the ill-fated CCT, seem to be attempting to persuade the public of THIS tunnels benefits.
I wonder if any behind the scenes manipulation has been goin on. A few bucks changin hands maybe? A little favour coaxed? Hmmm.

This would come as no surprise considering the protagonists and the worlds in which they exist. (Politicians and media people - their whole world's a sham).

And the idiotic public voted Iemma dilemma (as a radio host in a, rather poor I think attempt at humour, often referred to him) and his party of incompetents back in. I'm still astounded (though, actually, not particularly that surprised as it just confirms my suspicions that Joe Public is indeed a cretin).

I feel surrounded by the incompetent and deceitful.

Tch! That'll do for now

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