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Friday, August 14, 2009


We all remember that cowardly invertebrate, Greg Bird, he of the glassing incident. For those who don't, a quick recap:

Greg Bird, the one-time hero league player (those two words alone should tell you where this is going - to some offensive act of a retard), who was idolised by thousands, men and women alike.
Such idolatry reached its zenith when Birds girlfriend refused to press charges after he smashed a glass in her face (what is it with you chicks, man? Seriously, what are you thinking???).
For his part, Bird attempted to avoid the charge by claiming a friend committed the act, only to be refuted at a later stage. The spineless git now plays for a French side (in France obviously). I only hope if and when he returns to Oz no-one ever lets him forget what he did.
Anyway, so, there you have it. Bird the coward; the woman beater. His mother must be sooo proud.

Enter Greg #2.

This namesake's surname is Inglis and Inglis, like Bird, is another "superstar" of league, again idolized by fans of both sex and all ages, including kids. "Mummy, why is my hero hitting his girlfriend? Is it okay to do that then?"
Inglis has just recently been accused of giving HIS girlfriend a shiner or two. Shiners can only be caused by either something hitting the eye hard or the eye hitting something (think the ubiquitous "walking into a door", an explanation used often to explain such an eye by those to embarrassed to admit the truth).
In this particular case, the victim/girlfriend has come out to say, no, Greg didn't hit me, I was attempting self harm and he was trying to stop me. Oh, and by the way, I'm no longer his girlfriend".

Cue girlfriend #2

A girl, who fancies her own taste of fame at whatever cost, has chirped up now claiming she in fact is now Inglis's bint.

It's all getting very tawdry and would be funny where it not for the fact that an act of violence from a weak, weak excuse for a man has started it all.

Leaguesters eh? Pure class all the way!

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