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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Those of you who have had a passing interest in this blog thingy will remember the two Gregs. I of course speak of Greg Bird and Greg Inglis.

In case you don't I'll give you a quick reminder. Mr Bird was the "hero" who thought it would be heroic to smash a glass in his girlfriend's face, leaving her with significant lacerations, then proceeded to tell the police that his mate did it.
Ultimately this dopey girl refused to press charges, instead claiming she was trying to hurt herself and in the course of protecting her Bird somehow smashed the glass into her face. Victims of domestic violence the world over must be horrified at this woman's behaviour and that it has set their cause back years.

Greg Inglis, on the other hand, allegedly gave his piece of ass (for surely that's all these women must be to these "heroes") a tasty shiner. That's all I have ever heard about this case, which is disturbing in itself. Another beaten woman feeling like she was responsible perhaps?

Anyway, these two fine examples of mankind are back playing rugby league and being lauded like some sort of supermen.

So the moral of the story? In Australia, as long as you are a "sports star" it would seem you can get away with almost anything.

However, there may just be some justice. Brett Stewart, another idolized player was in court recently facing charges of indecently assaulting a 17 year old girl on his way home after a night on the piss. I certainly hope this girl sticks to her guns but judging by recent events, I wouldn't put money on it.

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