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Friday, September 29, 2006


That's it - that's the last straw

Unbelieveable! That was my reponse to the size of a shark in Melbourne’s aquarium. Georgie, a grey nurse shark (pretty gay name for a killing machine) looks bloated and extremely unhealthy. And if sharks could waddle, she surely would.
Not satisfied with feeding ourselves (and our domestic pets) to obesity, we now are adding the most sleek of sea creatures to our list. I find myself outraged; this animal, one of natures most fearsome predators, has been reduced to an almost cartoon-like caricature of itself, so overfed it's been.

Why? So the aquarium can charge extortionate amounts for people to see the divers feeding it at every show.

That poor animal; as if it's not enough to force it to exist in a chamber rather than it's natural domain of the open ocean, we, in the name of entertainment, are feeding it almost to death. We really are a despicable race.


Unknown said...

How does Mutters know that
a) the shark is in the aquarium
b) it is being overfed.?

Was his visit for the purpose of research?

I agree that it is an abominable way to treat such a magnificent example of God's creation.

On the other hand -- the seas are becoming so polluted that perhaps it is better there!

Any reply??

mutters said...

A. Cause it's called Melbourne Aquarium. An enclosure.

There is only one way an animal, be it man or beast, get's to that size (excusing medical reasons, genetic defects etc.) and that is overeating and lack of exercise. The animal must be or have been at a point (it could've had the independence 'trained out of it'), miserable. Show me a fat shark anywhere in the wild (again, excusing the med,...). I've watched a million natural history programmes devoted entirely to this most magnificant of predators and I've never seen one.
Moreover,the staff admitted such as part of the report. (The most definitive point - although with lawyers these days coupled with the suffocating sanctimony of the 'Pics' it doesn't make much difference whether one admits to anything. Manipulation will rule.)

It's not really about the pollution - it's about cages, the most perfect example being that champion of freedom, the humble bird. (there will be more on that) Like - 'if I can't fly, then nor are you'.
It really burns me; nothing but human life is sacrosanct, every single thing is sacrificed to the altar of man.

It's only a shark, they would claim with rolled eyes and conspiratorial glances amongst their ilk as an unspoken dismissal passes between them.
And there's your answer!

But hey! we're well on the way to destroying the whole place, and it's well past, 'too late' so it'll be over soon (probably not my lifetime but not long after).
Digression aside, it is a glaring example of the depths to which man will sink in the name of the cold hard stuff - with which comes his ultimate goal - power.

But it's okay, it's not all bad - say your piece - stand by it, there's no better time.


Unknown said...

Has Mutters actually seen the shark?

That was the crux of my question so Mutters' comment does not sound sensible to me.