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Monday, July 09, 2007

MUST' dogs, actually.

Least not in the Blue Mountains municipality, though I fear it's not just parochial.

The twist on the film title of that chick flick is a good place to start; haven't seen the film but I do Like John Cusack's acting in general and the fox who costarred with him made for a beautiful dream (but we're talkin Holywood here and that shit ne'er occurs). Though is there even a dog in the film?

Australians in general like to crow about how much they like pets but the facts are a little different. Pets are okay if they're restrained - if they're controlled. Never allow your dog to be off leash or you face a fine from the local Nazis (council) unless you choose to use the tiny amount of ground put aside away from people where you're allowed to let them off the lead. Except, eveyone uses these places and they have turned into what can best be described as 'outdoor toilets' - a place full of excrement where you have to watch where you put your feet for fear of stepping on such.

Well my boys deserve more - and they're going to get more. I have searched long and wide for a place away from the irritating public where I can let my boys run free at their own pace unencumbered by a Mutters on the other end of the leash. I had found a place which I called paradise - a veritable oasis in the outskirts of a town. Here, beside a lake where they could swim, could be found rabbits, foxes, birds and once, a hare that exploded out of the long grass and was 200 yards away before my normally quick moving boys even realised what it was. They never had a chance of catching it but Scoob, all credit to him (more specifically his tracking ability), followed the route the hare took to the very inch.

Anyway, I managed to get about a year of Sundays out of this place before some no mark told me I couldn't go there anymore - citing insurance. "What happens if you hurt yourself?" He asked. "You're not covered by insurance".
If I fall over my laces for example and smash my mouth into the ground it's because I'm an idiot and I neither want nor expect anyone to be responsible.

Anyway, I have since found somewhere else which though may not be "paradise", is adequate in that I can let my boys off lead for about an hour. However, this place is undergoing landscaping and I fear that it's being transformed into a wanky place for "families". Tch, how I detest that word. Families with their screaming brats making all sorts of noise and forcing me yet again to seek a new oasis.

Must love dogs? Yeah right!


morgetron said...

Ooooh Grumpy! You have a family too Mutt. It's just that two of you are four-legged and all of you are furry. :)

mutters said...

I think I've every bloody right to be grumpy, Morgy. All I want to do is walk my fucking boys somewhere they're not retrained. And some WANKER abuses his position again, firing orders at me. Can't do this- can't do that - go here, there.

Fuck's sake!

And they've the balls to claim a liking of dogs

morgetron said...

Yes. I do understand. We only have one dog park in Omaha, and it's overrun by pooooop -- just like you've said. We have major leash laws too. The dog may not be unrestrained for even a second lest he rip someone's face off. It is frustrating. I agree.

mutters said...

It goes beyond frustrating, Morgy. It borders on discrimination. Man's best friend treated like some sort of snarling beast on general principle.
How many times have our furry friends proved their loyalty and bravery in defence of their masters? And this is how we treat them.

I'm really, really pissed at this, Morgy - incensed!

In fact I'm surprised there's not some shark in the good ole US who could play the system in some way to solve the problem.

Though there's time yet, eh?

morgetron said...

There's time for lots of things.

And, you have every right to defend your family.

mutters said...

Now, THERE'S a sweeping assertion.

And I will, Morgy - til my dying breath.