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Monday, December 15, 2008


Figures have just been released showing 1400 of the boys in blue have been caught speeding in the last year, a significant amount in school zones (these zones have a 40kph limit to protect dumb as a stick kids who rush out onto the road without looking. Isn't that what the bloody parents are for...???).
Right away, Jason Morrison of radio 2GB, that fat tub of lard, leapt to the defence of "our police officers", claiming that "by the law of averages, bearing in mind how much time they spend on the road, the chances of breaking a road rule are greatly increased".
Fucking sycophant!

Let me tell you something fat boy; the bloody filth speed about because they think that because they ARE the law, they're above it.

He also spoke on his program about the Melbourne shooting and, surprise surprise, defended that also, spouting some shit about another case where some nutbag woman armed with a knife stood outside a police station and called the coppers out with intent to harm.
They came out and in the process of attempting to disarm the woman, one cop "suffered a cut to his head".

Is this really the standard of cop we now have in the force? These pathetic soft cocks who spend more time in counselling than they do protecting the public?

Oh boohoo, poor wittle powice officer got a cut to his head.

There's a common term that fits perfectly here and it starts, "if you can't stand the heat...".


KB said...

Every time I see a coppa with his lights flashing I say he must be late for lunch.

mutters said...

It's not funny, KB. These fucking cretins whose job it is to protect the public, and in point of fact had been expressly asked to do so by the boy's mother, behaved more like a Nazi death squad.

This was no giant Samoan, out of his head on ice or something. It was a small 15 year old who had not 2 hours earlier been robbed on a train (where the fuck were the filth then???). He may well have had a knife, or even two as was reported, but there was four armed adults with batons, mace spray et al.

And the best they could manage was to execute the boy. And it should be noted, that although they shot him 7 times, they between them fired 10 shots. So 3 missed.
And employing that most favourite justification of the nauseously sanctimonious, what if, what if indeed had there been people behind the boy in line with the 3 stray slugs?
These fucking morons are meant to be range trained in firearms.

I'm fucking disgusted. It's fine while they're sitting on their useless fucking arses pointing a hairdryer at motorists, (should they inadvertently take their eyes off their speedometers and God forbid exceed the limit by a few ks) being no more than a revenue tool for goverment, but ask them to do their real job, Peel's intent when creating the force, and this is the result. (Fucking assholes'll probably spent the next year off at counselling at taxpayers expense!)

I'm pissed, man. Fucking filth!!

KB said...

Hope you had a good Christmas. See you in the New Year :)

mutters said...

Had Christmas Day off - that was good I suppose.

I see your stepkids were down there, y'must have been thrilled.

Take care.

KB said...

Yeah, was lovely to see them. Will post some pics at some stage.

Take care M.

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened here to a Brazilian student---- they thought he was a terrorist.

Shoot first and ask questions afterwards--great policy.

mutters said...

Yeah, I remember that. I'm tellin ye - the filth are becoming more and more like the Gestapo with every passing day.
And in the case of the unfortunate student - one might say the terrorists have already won when innocent civilians are being executed, "just in case".
I hate the filth. Always have.

KB said...

It's been a while since you wrote something M *waits*

mutters said...

I find myself surrounded by fuckin morons of late. Have to put all my efforts into keeping them honest. Fuckin a-holes!