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Friday, May 01, 2009

Christian The Lion At World's End


Spoony Quine said...

Why in the heck did they kill him? God, so many people get murdered in Africa. I don't want to go there... but the thing about the lion is really awesome! It's like....
"My baby is all grown up now!"
"Daddy? Daddy!!! YOU CAME BACK!! DADDY! HUGS! Sheila, come here, this is my dad!"

Anyway, a nearly as impressive miracle has befallen me. Check out my Science and Wackmobiles blog to follow the last few posts of the story - they are greatly amusing and defy belief to some extent. Also, there's no pictures to slow down your download speed if that's an annoyance.
` Heck, I'm getting Fios and an office so I'll be able to check everyone's blogs better.

mutters said...

Probably because he was white, and no other reason.
It's a fucked up country and no mistake; the irony of course being that nature exists (sans humankind obviously) in perfect harmony.
A true Garden of Eden.
This utube clip has been watched by about 6 million people thus far. And there was a special about the story on TV tonight. Except my Boys must've been fuckin about and knocked out the TV aerial about half way through (Grrr!) so...bugger!
Nevertheless, the clip itself is enough. I, like all who've seen it I'd suggest, am just amazed. And strangely touched in my very core.

Spoony Quine said...

Maybe your dogs have a secret vendetta against lions.

Well, movin' out from this condemned shithole. Bye!

Unknown said...

Truly amazing. Animals --as you know --offer unconditional love--and are so faithful no matter what.

It was a cruel act but he died in the country to which he was devoted--- no excuse I know -- but life is cheap no matter where in the world to-day.

mutters said...

Yeah, see ye, SEE. Best of luck in the new place.

G: Amazing's right, G - King of the Beasts no less but this interaction with its surrogate parents if you will is something beuatiful. No wonder the video's had 6 million hits. Just look at how the animal reacts to them.
No wonder also the mens's faces are split with huge grins.
A memory they'll never forget I'm sure.

Spoony Quine said...

Here's another couple of YouTube videos that will make you grin!

I'm in it, too!