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Tuesday, February 09, 2010




KB said...

I second that!

mutters said...

Thanks KB

Spoony Quine said...

Aaaa haaaa haaaa haaa! I love spammers!


Spoony Quine said...

Oh, by the way, Lucas is getting slightly more famous. I thought I'd just throw that out there on everyone's blogs...

Spoony Quine said...

Holy shit! Lucas' fame has now jumped to an all-time high! So he's the star of a TV show, a commercial, and a movie that I think is going to win! Even better, it's a cool time-travel movie with way too many oranges!

Okay... I'll just come back whenever... it's most convenient...

mutters said...

I have an orange lay dormant for some inexplicable reason for the better part of 2 years.

And the fruit from this tree is beyond question, the nicest, tastiest, most succulent orange I have ever had the delight to consume.
The flesh is soft and full - not a trace of thread.
And the juice...? Oh mama, to quote Cosmo.

I also have a grapefruit tree, and its particular mil lieu is productivity. It has never stopped producing - so fecund, it begins the new season's crop before the last of the previous has dropped.

Bit of a shame I don't like grapefruit!

Spoony Quine said...

I am jealous! Then again, I have a nice little blackberry crop coming up. And some blueberries, I think. Let me go outside and check -- they're still immature, but I'm sure they're blueberries.
` Anyway, one time someone was visiting from California and she brought what I thought were tangerines from her own tree, and while I was eating this sweet-tangy, round, orange, juicy fruit, she told me it was actually a lemon!
` Best. Lemon. Ever.

mutters said...

A sweet lemon, huh? Nature's wonder. An exception to the rule obviously...I'm still not trying my grapefruits.
Which is a real shame, 'cause as I say, this tree just doesn't stop.
Anyway...hope things are going well in your new place.

Spoony Quine said...

They are... I guess it is a 'new' place since we've kicked out the assholes earlier this year. Summer has been going great, what with a manageable college class.
` I missed going to a beach party yesterday, where there was apparently female nudity and cake. CAKE!