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Monday, January 29, 2007

The definition of scum

Skye Banning was walking with her guide dog near her home in Sydney's suburb of Bondi. A lady in her latter years, and bereft of sight, (a sense most of us take for granted) a more defenceless person one would be hard pressed to find. As she strolled, all of a sudden she was thrown against a wall and had her handbag stolen. The attack left her with significant facial injuries.

Robbery and theft occur in any major city on an almost daily basis but to commit such an act against a blind person, especially one of mature years (and female) is delving to the depths of depravity.

If hell does exist, these cowardly thugs are surely on the fast train there!
What is as digusting and shocking is that this has happened to the lady six, that's right - SIX - times before. To use that tired but nonetheless pertinent old cliche - 'what is the world coming to?'

Pieces of shit. Hell holds a special place just for you.

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