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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Fat tax

As spoken of in a previous post, obesity is now a bigger strain on various nations' economies than tobacco products.
Now the Government of Australia has suggested a 'fat tax', where all fast food is taxed more to prevent those of a weak mind from stuffing themselves to oblivion.
That's all well and good - except, what about me, and people like me; that is people who aren't fat and who like a burger now and again - or a can of soft drink.

How about this? Similar to the frames they use at airports to gauge the size of cases one is allowed to take onto the aircraft, why don't we utilize the same thing in fast food restaurants? Sort of - 'if you can't fit through this space, you can't eat our burgers'

Course, there will be the inevitable uproar from the bleeding hearts, citing discrimination. 'Fatties are people too', they would vehemently claim. Yeah, well, so are smokers and nobody gives a stuff about the shocking way they are treated. (Remember the modern lepers forced into the background where they can't disgust the sensitive public?)

Once again I say - fairs fair; what's good for the goose...

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Hi. M. I agree totally with your post. D.