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Saturday, March 21, 2009


28th of March.

So...every light in the house on, TV, stereo, air-con on (both of them), fridge door open, turn on the ute and leave it spitting out diesel fumes, and smoke two cigarettes at once.

Earth hour indeed. Such a load of wank...followed by such a load of cretins!


KB said...

Couldn't agree with you more M. I don't know a hell of a lot about Global Warming but surely it would take more than everyone turning off their lights for an hour to have any effect.

It's about time you wrote a post. Perhaps you could do one on inspirational speaking next. LMAO.

mutters said...

Here's all you need to know:

Global warming is a load of shit - full stop. Climate change on the other hand is real and current, but unalarming as it's been occurring since the dawn of time.
The Antichrist (we all know who he is) has discovered a way of frightening the ignorant with his propoganda. Why? Because he couldn't make it to the presidency so he needed something else.
So listen everybody (that's you KB - the only reader I have :)) on the 28th switch all your lights on and raise two fingers to this kak.

Global warming indeed - gimme a fuckin' break!

KB said...

Thanks for the info. I won't be turning any of my lights off on the day. It wouldn't make any difference if I did as far as I can see.

your loyal reader

mutters said...

It's funny actually; come the 28th there'll be a few million retards sitting around in the dark like cretins!


Where WOULD we be without the stupid? said...

Where have all your reades gone,Muttars.
Are you being too controversial?
I agree with most of what you say re global warming.
The problem is --too many people exploiting the world's resources. Too many thoughtless people think there is an unlimited supply.
Stop pro-creating at such a rate --that might help. Od course it would appear to be a lucrative business this pro-creating!!

Lighten up and tell us a few humourous anecdotes for a change.

mutters said...

No idea, G. I could care less, frankly. I don't write for others - I write for me.
If they don't like what I say, don't read it (which they don't apparently).
I refuse to cater for the insecurities of others. If people can't hack the truth then too bad for them. said...

Grumpy or what? HO,HO,HO,

mutters said...

Yeah, well maybe; and here’s why:

More than the actual “getting fucked”, I’m disgusted at the general apathy with which the masses respond.
If generations before reacted to certain events in the same fashion, we’d be living under the very tyranny we currently strive to suppress with an at times vicious zeal.

A cancer of society. The nature of man in fact. Irrefutable, unstoppable, undeniable And sadly, inevitable. One example is the current financial crisis, the result of insidious greed. We should be able to arrest it, but for what. There is, in us, a fundamental problem in man – the need to conquer, to subjugate; no different than any other animal, actually, but we have developed the intelligence to largely usurp nature, (except in extremes, when we’re really shown our true place in things…) and we breed – like rabbits then as we increase in numbers exponentially our consumables, also exponentially, decrease. It is a source of ongoing debate to me, that given it’s a human trait, then I, being one such human, would commit the same vulgarity.
In my heart, though, I know I wouldn’t. I want no more than I need; a virtue instilled in me by my dear mother.
A rare breed indeed.

This is not a whine – this is disgust; pure, unadulterated contempt.

*By the way – I laugh every day but I’m fucked if I’m goin to blindly accept this outrage like a good little citizen. We all should be fuckin appalled at this flaw.*