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Sunday, March 29, 2009


About 5 years later...

Because for about that length of time I've been telling you, (to no avail, obviously) that women are in charge.

Now a poll has stated that in terms of buying a home, only 7.8% of men make the final decision. Apparently women's influence was impacting on house design.

Like I said - nice of you to catch up.

FYI - the same applies to cars, TVs, clothes for their men (for men read boys), where they live, work, everything. This because after about a decade of women being told they're equal (do NOT be fucking ridiculous) they've in effect castrated men resulting in this hybrid or third sex. A hairless, tight boxer-wearing, exfoliating, pretty boy who looks upon his wife more like his mother and spends more time in the bathroom "prettying" himself up than his bloody woman.

And then they have have the nerve to ask, "where are all the men?"

There aren't any left, ladies - you've seen to that. Well done. Reap what you sow, knuckleheads!


mutters said...

Not in this country, Missy. Here the metrosexual rules - the aforementioned pretty boy. A result of the years of female empowerment. Hilariously though (to me anyway) the current financial crisis is affecting them, too. Apparently they are having difficulty affording their grooming products. LOL. Shock horror. How can you be a pretty boy with hairy legs? Ahh - hahahaha.

Great stuff. Like I say - well done girls. Top work. What is it they say - be careful what you wish for???

Nice to hear from you. The Boys are in great shape. Hope you're well.

KB said...

*waits for bike pics*

Jayne said...

And as I've said so many times before. . .
Why on earth would we want to be equal when we have always been superior?

Hey Oh Muttery One - how's life treating you? Good to see you're still full of it - lol

Jayne :)

mutters said...

Well, I'm stepping back from this argument and letting you disagree with the person/thing who/that set this irrefutable rule - God, nature or the cosmos, take your pick.
In life - ALL life - there are certain parameters that define the strongest of the species. Certain insects for example have the female being the dominant one (Black Widows are one such example).
But as far as humans go - the male is and always has been, the dominant sex.
In fact, Jayney, the woman in a previous post who attempted to behave like males is now crying foul because more than she had reckoned for became involved.
If the woman had been a man...? Would this furore have erupted? I think not. Why? Because the sexes aren't equal my friend. Sorry, but there it is.

Take it up with God.

Otherwise, good to hear from ye, Jayney. Hope all is well in merry old England.