By now everyone in the English speaking world will have heard the name Jamie Neale.
In case you've been living under the proverbial rock, he's the 19 year old British backpacker who recently emerged after 12 days lost in the Australian bush in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.
The SES, Police, and volunteers scoured the mountainous bush searching for him only to discover after the 12 days he walked into a fellow bushwalkers camp, for all intents and purposes unharmed.
Rejoice! As one could imagine. The would-be prodigal's father flew from England and joined the search, going as far as scratching his son's name on some rocks in an area his boy was assumed to have been.
The media, like vultures, leapt at the story, quoting words like miraculous, amazing, astounding - and currently is in its final throes. Lost walker found; congrats all round, slaps on back; media interest and offers for exclusive.
The TV images of the boy, I'd have to say were of a...well, normal boy with red nostrils. Thin, but not gaunt; pale, but not in any fashion emaciated. Wide-eyed, and a bit reserved but not traumatized into speechlessness.
In short, arguably not what one would expect from starving for 12 days and having to resort to eating berries.
Frankly I hadn't much more interest in this tale than I had in the recent bombings. But as the media had it shoved down my throat with its half-hourly reports, I found myself unable to not ruminate over the reported story and its facts.
One of which is the recent emergence of a certain 200,000 dollars offered by 60 Minutes for the exclusive. Which the chap took, with the assurance to give "most" of it to the volunteers. (The initial reported offer, one day after, was 60,000, all of which apparently was going to the 'teers).
The same day another report surfaced regarding the lad's competing in an eating contest which saw him down four large pizzas in an hour, the night before he set off on his hike. That's a significant amount of fuel, I mean, four large pizzas. That could effectively last a body between 5 days and a week. Yes, one would feel hunger, but there would still be plenty of "fuel" to run the engine for that approximate length of time. The following 5 days could be accounted for with, say 3-5 days worth of chocolate bars. After the gluttony, 1 bar per 24 hours would suffice - for, though admittedly not indefinitely, a period of 5-7 days at least.
Also, water is plentiful in the mountains.
That's it - that's all would be required. Then after the requisite amount of time, in this case 12 days, you just walk into a camp, look exhausted and let the rescuers do their thing.
So gorge yourself before leaving, bring along several bars of high energy food (chocolate, it has to be chocolate) and off you go. That's how I'd do it. Then hang out in the bush for a while conserving your energy, snacking on the chocolate, drinking stream water.
Wait til you've had enough and look appropriately grubby, the saunter into a bush walker's camp.
Couple of nights in the hospital, statement for the media, story offer.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Aka: Grog...Piss...Booze.
On a radio show today, the host was conducting a segment on the proposed outlawing of alcohol advertising in sports.
There was much hand-wringing of course, though any sanctimony was thankfully absent, replaced instead with a stoic professionalism - fabricated of course.
Nevertheless, the predominant leaning was towards the shaking of the head, the "what can we do?" syndrome.
Present on the show were the two men; the presenter and an industry product representative.
Playing the sycophantic advocate first, the presenter started with the veiled accusation that alcohol management had indeed reached an out of control stage and that its promotion through every sporting event was simply an exacerbation.
The rep responded as if reading from an industry guide on preselected cliched responses.
"Inappropriate behaviour..."
"wont be tolerated..."
"we support responsible comsumption..."
et al, et al...
He goes on...
We supply the small regional clubs with revenue, in turn keeping people in work, supporting the youth, developing them to the top rung of the sport. If alcohol advertising in sport is banned, the "bush" will suffer. (This a veiled threat of his own).
So on they parried; "Isn't it the case that...?", "No, we are committed to..." a choreography in formal appropriateness. And earning the station a substantial revenue.
Meanwhile those who embrace the "buy one get one free" sales pitch continue to purchase gallons of piss, proceed to tip it down their addled throats and drunkenly stumble through life acting like league players.
Everybody gets their cut, condemns it, again, and lets it slip from public interest until the next time, which historically, is never far away.
The thing is, (that the various protagonists are fond of sweeping under the carpet) alcohol is a moneyspinner for all.
It is a mutli-trillion dollar business - in global terms, not just here in Oz. From those who manufacture it, including those who gather/grow the ingredients to those who sell it at the counter, and at each stage in between, everyone takes their percentage.
Including the radio station and its talent, who duplicitously camouflage this with the facade of "giving the public a voice".
The fact is, each and every presenter of mainstream radio follow an agenda set by their employers, themselves driven predominately by political preference.
So in fact, a given presenter can rarely if ever be trusted to give their honest opinion - unless said opinion concurs with that of his/her employer.
The whole thing is driven by the need to earn revenue and the God's honest truth rarely, if ever enters into it.
And why alcohol abuse will, much like climate change has become, be one endless talkfest with the odd tax grab thrown in to help swallow the bitter pill.
On a radio show today, the host was conducting a segment on the proposed outlawing of alcohol advertising in sports.
There was much hand-wringing of course, though any sanctimony was thankfully absent, replaced instead with a stoic professionalism - fabricated of course.
Nevertheless, the predominant leaning was towards the shaking of the head, the "what can we do?" syndrome.
Present on the show were the two men; the presenter and an industry product representative.
Playing the sycophantic advocate first, the presenter started with the veiled accusation that alcohol management had indeed reached an out of control stage and that its promotion through every sporting event was simply an exacerbation.
The rep responded as if reading from an industry guide on preselected cliched responses.
"Inappropriate behaviour..."
"wont be tolerated..."
"we support responsible comsumption..."
et al, et al...
He goes on...
We supply the small regional clubs with revenue, in turn keeping people in work, supporting the youth, developing them to the top rung of the sport. If alcohol advertising in sport is banned, the "bush" will suffer. (This a veiled threat of his own).
So on they parried; "Isn't it the case that...?", "No, we are committed to..." a choreography in formal appropriateness. And earning the station a substantial revenue.
Meanwhile those who embrace the "buy one get one free" sales pitch continue to purchase gallons of piss, proceed to tip it down their addled throats and drunkenly stumble through life acting like league players.
Everybody gets their cut, condemns it, again, and lets it slip from public interest until the next time, which historically, is never far away.
The thing is, (that the various protagonists are fond of sweeping under the carpet) alcohol is a moneyspinner for all.
It is a mutli-trillion dollar business - in global terms, not just here in Oz. From those who manufacture it, including those who gather/grow the ingredients to those who sell it at the counter, and at each stage in between, everyone takes their percentage.
Including the radio station and its talent, who duplicitously camouflage this with the facade of "giving the public a voice".
The fact is, each and every presenter of mainstream radio follow an agenda set by their employers, themselves driven predominately by political preference.
So in fact, a given presenter can rarely if ever be trusted to give their honest opinion - unless said opinion concurs with that of his/her employer.
The whole thing is driven by the need to earn revenue and the God's honest truth rarely, if ever enters into it.
And why alcohol abuse will, much like climate change has become, be one endless talkfest with the odd tax grab thrown in to help swallow the bitter pill.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
We of course by now all know to whom I refer. Al Gore.
Well, he's travelling the globe again, in the obligatory jet plane depositing more pollution than I, for example, will ever leave. Presumably Mrs Gore remains in the McMansion burning the midnight oil (which, to repeat, uses more power in one single month than the average American home does in an entire year!)
There is zero point at this juncture in the rollercoaster that climate change has become in entering into debate, especially when one considers the multitudes of retards who have fallen for Gore's propaganda.
And while these retards comprise about 50% of society the world over, that fortunately means there is 50% who don't subscribe.
Unfortunately, as previously alluded to, the whole thing is now a self-perpetuating leviathan and those who drive it have all the power. (World leaders et al).
Which sucks a bit.
However, on the positive side, it would appear that those who are attending the current "trough" (free holiday, plane rides, hotel accommodation, self-congratulatory slaps on backs all round...) aren't very enthusiastic about any agreement being reached. Probably, almost certainly because the draconian measures suggested are going to cost the various protagonists not a little amount in terms of loss of jobs, industry etc.
A few home truths about climate change ("global warming's been consigned to the redundant bin...).
It was raining here in Oz yesterday. Today it's sunny. climate change.
With a population of 6 1/2 billion and counting, there is no way we're NOT going to have an effect on our world, especially when we seem intent on ripping up forests like they've been deemed illegal. Vegetation is the planet's lungs and if the lung capacity of an organism is reduced, the ability of that lung to work is also diminished. In this case, the extra CO2 that 6 billion people do produce is not processed and released back into the atmosphere as life-giving oxygen. Vegetation, as I'm sure you know, thrives on CO2 like we do on oxygen.
So do not listen to anything that charlatan has to say for his agenda has nothing to do with saving the planet. Just a way of cementing his name in the annals of history.
Word of caution though, Adolf Hitler's name is well ensconced in the same history.
Well, he's travelling the globe again, in the obligatory jet plane depositing more pollution than I, for example, will ever leave. Presumably Mrs Gore remains in the McMansion burning the midnight oil (which, to repeat, uses more power in one single month than the average American home does in an entire year!)
There is zero point at this juncture in the rollercoaster that climate change has become in entering into debate, especially when one considers the multitudes of retards who have fallen for Gore's propaganda.
And while these retards comprise about 50% of society the world over, that fortunately means there is 50% who don't subscribe.
Unfortunately, as previously alluded to, the whole thing is now a self-perpetuating leviathan and those who drive it have all the power. (World leaders et al).
Which sucks a bit.
However, on the positive side, it would appear that those who are attending the current "trough" (free holiday, plane rides, hotel accommodation, self-congratulatory slaps on backs all round...) aren't very enthusiastic about any agreement being reached. Probably, almost certainly because the draconian measures suggested are going to cost the various protagonists not a little amount in terms of loss of jobs, industry etc.
A few home truths about climate change ("global warming's been consigned to the redundant bin...).
It was raining here in Oz yesterday. Today it's sunny. climate change.
With a population of 6 1/2 billion and counting, there is no way we're NOT going to have an effect on our world, especially when we seem intent on ripping up forests like they've been deemed illegal. Vegetation is the planet's lungs and if the lung capacity of an organism is reduced, the ability of that lung to work is also diminished. In this case, the extra CO2 that 6 billion people do produce is not processed and released back into the atmosphere as life-giving oxygen. Vegetation, as I'm sure you know, thrives on CO2 like we do on oxygen.
So do not listen to anything that charlatan has to say for his agenda has nothing to do with saving the planet. Just a way of cementing his name in the annals of history.
Word of caution though, Adolf Hitler's name is well ensconced in the same history.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Office of Police Integrity will release a report next month attacking Victoria Police over the number of police shootings.
It is for this reason the OPI also have serious misgivings about arming officers with the new Tazer electric guns (in case they shoot each other maybe...).
I wrote a while ago about the case of the 15 year old boy, by the name of Tyler Cassidy. This boy, a 45 kilogram boy, having just been robbed on the public rail system, had returned home in an agitated state, grabbed a knife or two, and left, still in a state of high agitation.
His mother immediately contacted the police and informed them of the circumstances, seemingly secure in the knowledge that the police could and would apprehend the boy and bring him home safely.
Well, the rest as they say, is history. Four, that's four armed police officers indeed did locate the boy and in an act more reminiscent of a Nazi death squad, for all intents and purposes executed the youngster.
The coroner is currently investigating the boys death.
It should also be noted that although 10 shots were fired, only 7 found the mark.
And what happened to the cops? Counselling. Boohoo, poor wittle powicemen had to summarily execute a boy and they get counselling.
This would also tend to laugh in the face of the Police Association secretary, Senior Sargeant, Greg Davies' statement that "the force was well trained".
The OPI report, which is a wide-ranging analysis of Victoria Police's use of force, "will also recommend officers not be given Taser stun guns", OPI spokesman Paul Conroy said.
"There was insufficient emphasis on alternative uses of force and insufficient monitoring and analysis of use of force", Mr Conroy said.
"Alternative use of force" I would suggest could well involve four grown men/women being able to subdue a 15 year old boy no matter how many knives he was carrying. There was four cops for God's sake. That's one from each point of the compass. Are we seriously to believe the cops in this country are so utterly fucking useless at their job, that they can't disarm a young boy when it's 4 to 1???
"The education and training is not focused properly and insufficient," he told AAP on Monday. "The police are not in a space to be issued with Tasers".
"A lot of work needs to be done in training needs."
So there you go. These people whose job it is to protect us from the violent and criminal are in short, inept. That is of course unless they're sitting in their cars pointing hairdryers at inadvertent speeders. Then they can protect us like mfs.
And you see, we're told ad nauseum to respect the "police officer" like he or she is some sort of divine protector. Well, let me tell you something, any respect I have for anybody has been earned or they don't get it.
Respect can't be bought; it can't be awarded, it can't be bartered. It isn't conferred on the back of some title. It can only be earned.
And I can count on the fingers of one hand the amount of cops who have indeed earned such respect. I'll wager I'm not alone either.
It is for this reason the OPI also have serious misgivings about arming officers with the new Tazer electric guns (in case they shoot each other maybe...).
I wrote a while ago about the case of the 15 year old boy, by the name of Tyler Cassidy. This boy, a 45 kilogram boy, having just been robbed on the public rail system, had returned home in an agitated state, grabbed a knife or two, and left, still in a state of high agitation.
His mother immediately contacted the police and informed them of the circumstances, seemingly secure in the knowledge that the police could and would apprehend the boy and bring him home safely.
Well, the rest as they say, is history. Four, that's four armed police officers indeed did locate the boy and in an act more reminiscent of a Nazi death squad, for all intents and purposes executed the youngster.
The coroner is currently investigating the boys death.
It should also be noted that although 10 shots were fired, only 7 found the mark.
And what happened to the cops? Counselling. Boohoo, poor wittle powicemen had to summarily execute a boy and they get counselling.
This would also tend to laugh in the face of the Police Association secretary, Senior Sargeant, Greg Davies' statement that "the force was well trained".
The OPI report, which is a wide-ranging analysis of Victoria Police's use of force, "will also recommend officers not be given Taser stun guns", OPI spokesman Paul Conroy said.
"There was insufficient emphasis on alternative uses of force and insufficient monitoring and analysis of use of force", Mr Conroy said.
"Alternative use of force" I would suggest could well involve four grown men/women being able to subdue a 15 year old boy no matter how many knives he was carrying. There was four cops for God's sake. That's one from each point of the compass. Are we seriously to believe the cops in this country are so utterly fucking useless at their job, that they can't disarm a young boy when it's 4 to 1???
"The education and training is not focused properly and insufficient," he told AAP on Monday. "The police are not in a space to be issued with Tasers".
"A lot of work needs to be done in training needs."
So there you go. These people whose job it is to protect us from the violent and criminal are in short, inept. That is of course unless they're sitting in their cars pointing hairdryers at inadvertent speeders. Then they can protect us like mfs.
And you see, we're told ad nauseum to respect the "police officer" like he or she is some sort of divine protector. Well, let me tell you something, any respect I have for anybody has been earned or they don't get it.
Respect can't be bought; it can't be awarded, it can't be bartered. It isn't conferred on the back of some title. It can only be earned.
And I can count on the fingers of one hand the amount of cops who have indeed earned such respect. I'll wager I'm not alone either.
Monday, July 06, 2009
The "Bird" of whom I speak is one Greg Bird, the cowardly rugby league player who was recently prosecuted for glassing his girlfriend.
Well, it has emerged that he is now facing yet more charges for assaulting another woman, this time in a Cronulla nightclub.
This spineless coward needs to be locked up. And then his fellow inmates need to hand out some natural justice in the form of beating him to a pulp. Then we'll see how hard he is.
Cowardly excuse for a man.
Well, it has emerged that he is now facing yet more charges for assaulting another woman, this time in a Cronulla nightclub.
This spineless coward needs to be locked up. And then his fellow inmates need to hand out some natural justice in the form of beating him to a pulp. Then we'll see how hard he is.
Cowardly excuse for a man.
John Howard, the former Prime Minister of Australia, has given a broad-ranging interview to Macquarie Radio.
In part, he spoke about the "stolen generation" issue, an intervention that saw children removed from their natural parents in the name of protecting them.
Said children were being abused, often sexually, and really, what else could have been done? The innocents in life must indeed, be protected from such a life. Kids of white parents are to this day removed if such action is warranted. And rightly so, any decent person would agree.
He also stood by his decision not to "say sorry" to the indigenous people for the intervention, saying, "No, I took the view that it's very easy for the current generation to apologise for mistakes of an earlier generation, and because it's so easy to do that I think it's meaningless,"
In this particular decision, I agree entirely. "We" didn't remove their children (from sexual abuse remember). Why should "we" apologise?
Howard went on to say he never regretted any of the major decisions his government made.
I should add that, notwithstanding the fact that Howard was a carreer politician of some forty years, and therefore pondlife, I have also held him in higher regard than most of his kind.
And I have agreed with the majority of his decisions.
However, in the radio interview he brings up, and sides with, the matter of one's personal beliefs being "brought forward into their public life".
And in principle, when one's referring to, basic moral values (interestingly, something the average politician chooses to ignore when it suits - if indeed they were ever awsare of a thing called moral value), I would also agree.
But one must also be cognizant of:
Tony Abbott - and his ilk. My utter contempt for this man is well known.
Abbott has attempted on several occasions to force his religious beliefs on this nation via legislation; first with the abortion drug RU 486, then in handing a pregnancy counselling service to his mates in the Papistry.
RU486 is a drug that facilitates miscarrige and is used globally as a safe way to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion is a personal choice taking in a myriad of factors and normally arrived at after much soul-searching and heart-rending acceptance of facts.
But Mt Abbott's a raging Papist and in his position, if he doesn't agree with abortion then neither can the public it seems. (In point of fact, the bill was voted down in the House, thank goodness - but nevertheless, that this odious little man could attempt such a flagrant violation of the pro-choice demographic is an indictment in itself...).
Not satisfied with his defeat, Abbott then "back-doored" the matter, and slyly awarded the pregnancy counselling service to the very people who share his belief - the young boy-buggering robed ones in the catholic church. Yeah, like we're going to get a fair shake now...
In fact, the Papistry is at least as dangerous as Islam. They may not be actively involved in a war with anyone currently but the reach and control they have over the world's 2 billion catholics has a greater effect on the world than we may be able to conceive.
So the last fucking thing anyone needs is some papist in government expanding this reach on those who deny such a belief.
Careful Johnny.
In part, he spoke about the "stolen generation" issue, an intervention that saw children removed from their natural parents in the name of protecting them.
Said children were being abused, often sexually, and really, what else could have been done? The innocents in life must indeed, be protected from such a life. Kids of white parents are to this day removed if such action is warranted. And rightly so, any decent person would agree.
He also stood by his decision not to "say sorry" to the indigenous people for the intervention, saying, "No, I took the view that it's very easy for the current generation to apologise for mistakes of an earlier generation, and because it's so easy to do that I think it's meaningless,"
In this particular decision, I agree entirely. "We" didn't remove their children (from sexual abuse remember). Why should "we" apologise?
Howard went on to say he never regretted any of the major decisions his government made.
I should add that, notwithstanding the fact that Howard was a carreer politician of some forty years, and therefore pondlife, I have also held him in higher regard than most of his kind.
And I have agreed with the majority of his decisions.
However, in the radio interview he brings up, and sides with, the matter of one's personal beliefs being "brought forward into their public life".
And in principle, when one's referring to, basic moral values (interestingly, something the average politician chooses to ignore when it suits - if indeed they were ever awsare of a thing called moral value), I would also agree.
But one must also be cognizant of:
Tony Abbott - and his ilk. My utter contempt for this man is well known.
Abbott has attempted on several occasions to force his religious beliefs on this nation via legislation; first with the abortion drug RU 486, then in handing a pregnancy counselling service to his mates in the Papistry.
RU486 is a drug that facilitates miscarrige and is used globally as a safe way to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion is a personal choice taking in a myriad of factors and normally arrived at after much soul-searching and heart-rending acceptance of facts.
But Mt Abbott's a raging Papist and in his position, if he doesn't agree with abortion then neither can the public it seems. (In point of fact, the bill was voted down in the House, thank goodness - but nevertheless, that this odious little man could attempt such a flagrant violation of the pro-choice demographic is an indictment in itself...).
Not satisfied with his defeat, Abbott then "back-doored" the matter, and slyly awarded the pregnancy counselling service to the very people who share his belief - the young boy-buggering robed ones in the catholic church. Yeah, like we're going to get a fair shake now...
In fact, the Papistry is at least as dangerous as Islam. They may not be actively involved in a war with anyone currently but the reach and control they have over the world's 2 billion catholics has a greater effect on the world than we may be able to conceive.
So the last fucking thing anyone needs is some papist in government expanding this reach on those who deny such a belief.
Careful Johnny.
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