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Tuesday, July 14, 2009


We of course by now all know to whom I refer. Al Gore.

Well, he's travelling the globe again, in the obligatory jet plane depositing more pollution than I, for example, will ever leave. Presumably Mrs Gore remains in the McMansion burning the midnight oil (which, to repeat, uses more power in one single month than the average American home does in an entire year!)

There is zero point at this juncture in the rollercoaster that climate change has become in entering into debate, especially when one considers the multitudes of retards who have fallen for Gore's propaganda.

And while these retards comprise about 50% of society the world over, that fortunately means there is 50% who don't subscribe.
Unfortunately, as previously alluded to, the whole thing is now a self-perpetuating leviathan and those who drive it have all the power. (World leaders et al).

Which sucks a bit.

However, on the positive side, it would appear that those who are attending the current "trough" (free holiday, plane rides, hotel accommodation, self-congratulatory slaps on backs all round...) aren't very enthusiastic about any agreement being reached. Probably, almost certainly because the draconian measures suggested are going to cost the various protagonists not a little amount in terms of loss of jobs, industry etc.

A few home truths about climate change ("global warming's been consigned to the redundant bin...).

It was raining here in Oz yesterday. Today it's sunny. climate change.

With a population of 6 1/2 billion and counting, there is no way we're NOT going to have an effect on our world, especially when we seem intent on ripping up forests like they've been deemed illegal. Vegetation is the planet's lungs and if the lung capacity of an organism is reduced, the ability of that lung to work is also diminished. In this case, the extra CO2 that 6 billion people do produce is not processed and released back into the atmosphere as life-giving oxygen. Vegetation, as I'm sure you know, thrives on CO2 like we do on oxygen.

So do not listen to anything that charlatan has to say for his agenda has nothing to do with saving the planet. Just a way of cementing his name in the annals of history.
Word of caution though, Adolf Hitler's name is well ensconced in the same history.

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