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Monday, July 13, 2009


The Office of Police Integrity will release a report next month attacking Victoria Police over the number of police shootings.
It is for this reason the OPI also have serious misgivings about arming officers with the new Tazer electric guns (in case they shoot each other maybe...).

I wrote a while ago about the case of the 15 year old boy, by the name of Tyler Cassidy. This boy, a 45 kilogram boy, having just been robbed on the public rail system, had returned home in an agitated state, grabbed a knife or two, and left, still in a state of high agitation.
His mother immediately contacted the police and informed them of the circumstances, seemingly secure in the knowledge that the police could and would apprehend the boy and bring him home safely.
Well, the rest as they say, is history. Four, that's four armed police officers indeed did locate the boy and in an act more reminiscent of a Nazi death squad, for all intents and purposes executed the youngster.
The coroner is currently investigating the boys death.
It should also be noted that although 10 shots were fired, only 7 found the mark.
And what happened to the cops? Counselling. Boohoo, poor wittle powicemen had to summarily execute a boy and they get counselling.
This would also tend to laugh in the face of the Police Association secretary, Senior Sargeant, Greg Davies' statement that "the force was well trained".

The OPI report, which is a wide-ranging analysis of Victoria Police's use of force, "will also recommend officers not be given Taser stun guns", OPI spokesman Paul Conroy said.
"There was insufficient emphasis on alternative uses of force and insufficient monitoring and analysis of use of force", Mr Conroy said.

"Alternative use of force" I would suggest could well involve four grown men/women being able to subdue a 15 year old boy no matter how many knives he was carrying. There was four cops for God's sake. That's one from each point of the compass. Are we seriously to believe the cops in this country are so utterly fucking useless at their job, that they can't disarm a young boy when it's 4 to 1???

"The education and training is not focused properly and insufficient," he told AAP on Monday. "The police are not in a space to be issued with Tasers".

"A lot of work needs to be done in training needs."

So there you go. These people whose job it is to protect us from the violent and criminal are in short, inept. That is of course unless they're sitting in their cars pointing hairdryers at inadvertent speeders. Then they can protect us like mfs.

And you see, we're told ad nauseum to respect the "police officer" like he or she is some sort of divine protector. Well, let me tell you something, any respect I have for anybody has been earned or they don't get it.
Respect can't be bought; it can't be awarded, it can't be bartered. It isn't conferred on the back of some title. It can only be earned.
And I can count on the fingers of one hand the amount of cops who have indeed earned such respect. I'll wager I'm not alone either.

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