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Thursday, September 27, 2007


It's a beautiful day here in old Sydney town. More precisely, 100 ks west of Sydney, at the foot of the Blue Mountains. I'm sitting near the park where I walk the boys. I say park but it's actually just a piece of waste ground that the capitalists haven't yet noticed and within there is a nice lake where the boys can swim - complete with ducks and more importantly ... a big cat. An actual big cat - not a fat domestic cat, but a wild big one. It resembles a caracal or lynx or something like that. Scoob spooked it one day. Wow!

I just purchased and car charger for my laptop so now I'm truly mobile, free as I am from the need for a power source.


That was a young fella and his brain dead music shattering my peace. Where can I get a gun!

Aye, life could be worse, eh KB? LICS, right?

Goin to the pictures (that's movies to my American friends) to see the Bourne Ultimatum again - top film if y'haven't seen it. I'll report later.


KB said...

Ahhh indeed. Feels like I'm there with you, don't foget to take pic next time.

Speaking of ahh...Jason Bourne...handsome, intelligent, cool, doesn't take shit from the bad guys...there was something else...WTMB? Beaut film.

Later my friend and don't forget LYCS.

Jayne :) said...

But this is great news! :)

Only popped in on the off chance after my weekend away so it was a real pleasure to see you'd been in - now there is NO excuse. I shall be back!

luv ya :)