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Wednesday, September 12, 2007


For those of you who've been living under a rock, the APEC conference was held in Sydney last weekend. Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation to give it it's full title; an initiative promoted by Bob Hawke to achieve a power in the region.
It brought together 21 leaders from around the Pacific rim to Sydney to...well the official word was to reach agreement on economic cooperation, but basically it was to live it up in Sydney for a few days.
Such a gathering of import, demanded tough security measures and the government erected what became known as, 'the Sydney Wall', alluding to the German one recently torn down amongst much celebration. This was a barrier of concrete blocks, (the ones used in roadworks) topped with steel mesh fencing; it stood about 2 1/2 metres tall.
It may well have been a good time to be a criminal elsewhere in Sydney as most (if not all) of the city's police augmented the enormous barriers.
Mobile phone use within the 'inner sanctum' as it where, was blocked to prevent remotely detonated explosion and entire areas, including the Opera House, were declared off limits. The whole area was shut down as tight as a nut, and the top cops proudly preened at their brilliance in protecting Mr Bush (they claim it was for ALL the dignitaries but trust me - this was for one man and one man alone - George Dubya).
The dignitaries were safely ensconsed behind this 160 million dollar wall of security.
Then came the Chaser boys.

The Chaser boys are a comedy group who show their stuff on the ABC, a 'little brother' of the UK's BBC, if y'like. They are often very funny but on occasion can be a bit hit and miss (recently they aired a scene where they ridiculed Sophia Loren, with rapid fire nonsensical questions - they received virtual blanket criticism for that - a response whith which I have to agree).
However, they are at their best when they are giving it to authority - the kind of pompous authority that takes things much too seriously in the name of putting on a good show.
This was one such time.
They assembled a fleet of black, official looking vehicles, complete with Canadian flags, and proceeded to drive towards the aforementioned inner sanctum. They got past the first, laughingly called, 'checkpoint' without a hitch; and the second. After the event (while under arrest) they remarked that they hadn't imagined ever getting past even the first checkpoint.
It was only when they got to within 10 metres of the entrance to the hotel in which George dubya was staying, and Chaz Luchiadello (not certain that spelling is correct) alighted from the vehicle dressed as Bin Laden (yeah - that's right, Bin Laden hoho), that the 160 mmillion security net finally tightened. (About 5 'agents' jumped on poor Chaz/Bin Laden).

The embarrassment was total and the authorities responded with fury (the only thing they had left really - the facts spoke for themselves and there where no extenuating circumstances). As mentioned, the Chaser boys were arrested and sanctimony and indignance reigned. Tempered with the obligatory concern for the offenders well-being. 'The American snipers on the rooves could have shot you dead', they pleaded, saying anything to take at least some of the heat off them.
During the planned protest the following day, the police played out that fury in a physical fashion drawing condemnation of their own from many. It was as if they tried to detract from the huge blunder, (that if they'd been real terrorists could've seen George Dubya killed), by 'crackin a few heads'.
One North Shore accountant inadvertently crossed a road in front of a cavalcade of dignitaries and was immediately pounced on by 5 police. Television footage records one of the policemen punching the man as he lay under the throng of bodies. The man's 11 year old son witnessed this.
On another occasion a camerawoman, with the camera that are carried on the shoulder due to its size, was pushed backwards violently. Push really doesn't do it justice - the woman was lifted off her feet and landed rather uncomfortably it seemed to me, on her tailbone/back about 3-4 metres away.
Having watched the footage I was reminded of Pink Floyd's The Wall, where the jackbooted army ran the streets handing out beatings.

Anyway, the meeting adjourned and everyone congratulated the conference organizers as putting on the 'best' APEC yet (with the again obligatory, mention of the Olympics of 2000 - I think its time you got over that fellas).

And the result?

An aspirational committment to at some point in the future agree to attempting to resolve the issue.

Whoopee doo! We'll try (maybe) to agree (maybe) that there is a problem (maybe) and endeavour (maybe) to come to an agreement (maybe) in order to resolve the issue...(maybe).


Jayne :) said...

Sounds very like my horse society committee! Maybe it's a diseaase of committee's everywhere in the world? The lack of ability to commit themselves and make a decision in case they get blamed when it goes wrong?

I can not tell a lie - it was him!


KB said...

*crawls out from under rock*

Yeah, what a waste of time and money, glad I missed it.

mutters said...

Worse than that Jayney - they never had any intention of deciding - that much is obvious with the resulting half-concession.

Maybe, if, at some point, later, in oh I don't know, 20, 30 years?

While we wait, sure we'll get together and thank each other for all the hard work. Chi-ching, two days and approx a billion dollars combined later we're still no closer to a global resolution...


Yeah KB, you missed the filth beatin the shit out of the feral protesters - that's about it.