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Friday, September 28, 2007


Hurrah for man's best friend! Again.

In Queensland recently, a young boy was out walking on his parents property. He was suddenly surrounded by a pack of dingoes; the exact number unreported, but it specified the party as outnumbered.
The young boy, had he been alone, was...toast, as they say, but fortunately he had his 3 dogs along with him; dogs not much bigger (if at all) than their agressors. But they leapt to their masters defence (the report didn't use such word but I know dogs - and they would've leapt without a thought for themselves).

And despite suffering significant wounds the 3 pets drove the attackers off, leaving the boy with ne'er a scratch.

Stand up wee doggies, take a bow, have a scratch behind the ears and a big juicy bone for you've earned it my friends.

Y'can't beat that!


KB said...

Awww, where would we be without our doggies!!!!

*scratches Coco behind ear*

Jayne :) said... AND

"Come up and see me sometime" ;-)