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Saturday, October 13, 2007


Alfred must be turning in his grave.

One of his esteemed awards has been given to that shyster Al Gore. That charlatan, liar, manipulator of the dull and ignorant has been awarded the peace prize.

Recently, In the UK, a high court judge has ruled that Gore's "masterpiece" for which he won an award (there's the Academy's credibility shot along with Alfred Nobel's) can only be shown in schools and colleges with an accompanying side note pointing out the 9 (there's actually 11) disputable claims within.

See, he focuses on the families with the young children. And the parents are all, "oh no, we have to save the planet for our kiddies". And Gore exploits it to the nth degree (while being driven in a "gas-guzzler" by his butler to the bank no doubt).
Inflammation and scare tactics is what drives this film. And finally, someone has stood up and declared it what it is - a one-sided opinion of a power hungry failed would be president. Rumour has it, however, that he will try again on the back of such a prize.

I can just imagine dinner in the Gore house (that McMansion which uses more energy in ONE month as the average American's does in ONE YEAR).

Gore: "Hoho, Betty (we'll call her Betty in place of her real name - which I don't know), I can't believe they're swallowing this!"
Betty: "I know dear - you're a genius. More caviar? Where are we flying the Lear jet to THIS weekend?"

Nobel prize indeed! Tch! Such a sham.


KB said...

Didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read this.

The fact Gore could win such an esteemed prize shows what the world we live in is coming too but on the other hand, the humourous way you wrote the artilcle had me in stiches.

I should leave you up to your own devices more often.

Thanks for visiting me blog...I think!


mutters said...

It beautifully demonstrates exactly the sort of world it has become. Moreover, I thought I'd seen it all in terms of jaw-dropping surprise, when the state Labor incompetents were re-elected but this usurps even that.

Further confirms my claim that the dopey public are the fodder for the would be leaders of the world.

Morons! Wonder can I make some dough outa them too?

morgetron said...

Betty Gore. It has a ring.

Sooooo Mutters, I understand that you think Al Gore is a hypocrite, but do you believe there is any merit to "his" work?


mutters said...

I don't "think", Morgy - I "know" - as do many others but we're in the minority (due to the aforementioned "morons").
If "work" means lining his pockets and building his powerbase on the back of lies and manipulation, then he seems to be workin like a mf.
Do NOT trust or believe this man, Morgy.

mutters said...

Moreover, Morg, I'm intrigued as to what merit you have found in this man's "work".

Do tell - I'm all ears.