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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


November the 18th has been declared the inaugural acceptance day. Inspired by the story (brave apparently) of burns victim Sophie Delezio. Sophie was hit by a car not once, but twice in a short space of time and suffered quite extensive burns resulting in amputation and skin grafts as the medicos attempted to save her life - successfully.

Anyway, a sad story indeed and the catalyst for this new day of acceptance.

The day is an event to celebrate community diversity and foster acceptance of the disabled, elderly, homosexuals (how the f**k did they sneak onto this list...?) and ethnics. Any one, in fact who is treated differently.

Fantastic! Sounds great. Does that then mean I can turn up with my smokes and freely partake without some no mark whinin on about how bad they are for me, or asking that I move, or shielding the little ones from the nasty man and his filthy habit?

Ya - right! Acceptance day my dick!


KB said...

You really should be careful where you use the words dick and homosexuals - there's now a pic of gay men on your widget. That sounds wrong in so many ways.

mutters said...


Point taken.

*Being careful*

Anonymous said...

Hi Muttars,
I agree, as I have to work with the buggerers every day I go to work. Even had one ask if he could "smoke my dick, 'cause he reckoned I was a two Heinekan swinger....". Smoke the lot is what I say! Gives a new meaning to smoking a fag (gags on wine)! Beats me how all the whiners out there can get government handouts when honest hard-working folks can't. Time to change from left leaning politicos to those who say "screw PC" - they'll get my vote.
All the best,
KB's hubby

mutters said...

Fuck me, KB'S hubby, y'freaked me out there for a minute; thought y'were a nut or somethin wantin to string all the homos up.

This is a PC free blog; the truth reigns here and I couldn't give a fuck who's offended by it. You may agree, but be careful - you also may find yourself the recipient of such truth.

No-one is safe!

Good to hear from you, though.
But tell me that pic is from the eighties and you don't actually wear big sunnies. Hoho, please no!


Can we leave my widget out of this...?

mutters said...

P.S. I'm not sure what a 'two-Heineken swinger' is exactly but it's spelt with an 'e'.

KB said...

Well, you brought it up M

No wait, I did

No wait...

Widget is such a strange word.

Anonymous said...

Not if it comes in a can,,,,,,hehe. Those are my Serengeti flying glasses you ass.
KB's H

mutters said...

Call them what y like, man, you look like you should be in the Young and Restless or some other such soap. Hoho.
Seriously buddy - welcome to the 21st century!