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Friday, October 26, 2007


Well, if it's good enough for the gays and minorities then it's good enough for Muttars.
Therefore I now declare a day of my choosing to be Muttars day. On this day, one must tell the truth - no matter how hard that may be. The truth damnit, the truth.

I'll start ye with a few questions:

1. Have you ever cheated on someone?
2. Have you ever stolen anything?
3. If you drop a piece of food on the floor, do you wipe it off and eat it regardless?

My answers:

1. No
2. Yes
3. Tch, of course - I'm not made of money!

Righto, I shall announce the day soon.


KB said...


Share your stories and I'll share mine.

Liz said...

tis an old one but i will answer it anyway ...

1. No
2. Yep
3. Only if I really, really want it!