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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Mutley and his brother pissed off at 930 this morning; they hadn't returned by 11 so I left too. I returned to the spot several times over the day - still not there. Last time I checked, I just stayed and cleaned the ute and viola, they just wandered over to me out of nowhere.
Seven hours they were tearin around the bush so they got a bit mucky. And it would seem, a bit worn out too!

This is Mutley within 5 minutes of his return:

A closer shot...

Awww - bless im! Ma wee man!


KB said...

Awww, what an adorable pic. Give them both a big hug from their auntie Kar.

KB said...

Before I forget


No wait...leave him but the rest stands.

mutters said...

Don't forget - "-d"

morgetron said...

Awww. How can you be mad even for a minute?


mutters said...

Damnit - I can't. Even for a second. My wee man. Just doin what he does best - runnin around like an eejit.

Someday I'll get mad - I swear I will.