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Thursday, October 18, 2007


Written in a report on the Australian motor show:

"For everyone who has found themselves red-faced when trying to parallel park, here is the solution.
A car that can park itself".

It seems Lexus, that symbol of wealth, has designed a vehicle that "uses a rear camera and ultrasonic sensors to identify parking spaces and then calculates the correct steering angle to guide you into the chosen spot".

Funny, I thought eyes were the old-fashioned way and I'm almost certain I had to park in such a way in my driving test many moons ago before I was passed.

I've spoken of this before; that being that modern vehicles are built with a plethora of safety features (air bags and the like) almost like it's a given they're going to be crashed.
No-one has yet considered teaching morons to drive right. Sure just make the vehicle resemble a tank and crash away. Doesn't matter about the other driver whose car (and at time life) is completely destroyed by your tank. And it's similar to the reversing sensors that already some forward thinker has capitalized on. This was because some dickhead ran over herf bloody kid while trying to reverse her four-wheel drive car in her driveway. So the boffins said, "I know, we'll make a reversing camera so the morons can see what's behind them. Wonder what's wrong with saying "hey kiddie, I'm reversing here - stay away from the vehicle". But no - the dopey Joe (joesephine in this case needs to be taken by the hand and all responsibility for their actions removed.

And now,we have a car that parks itself. So what happens (as often does) if the sensor, or other superduper latest technology packs in? What then? Does the driver just drive around all day looking for another parking spot? Call their butler? (coz only those who could afford a butler could afford this vehicle at a cool $250,000).

I'm all for inventive technology but when it starts to impose on activities that should be handled manually, things will just deteriorate. Just wait and see. Drivers (loosely speaking of course) are going to get much worse God help me with all this equipment to do their job for them.

Get them all of the bloody road!

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