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Friday, October 26, 2007


"Screamer" is a very apt name for this type of monkey for when excited it does indeed scream - and screech and generally go off.

A friend of mine (we'll call him Matt) was walking with his kids one day not long ago and came across a circus. It was situated on a piece of open ground within the town he lived. So Matt, ever the opportunist, decided to take a wander around the back of it where the animals were kept in cages awaiting their 'performance' to sate the previously mentioned desires.

He passed elephants, lions, horses and various other animals found in circuses, having a look at the menagerie until eventually he came to a cage that held a number of the screamer monkeys; he obviously knew not to get too close for although they presently were still, he could see in their eyes that they were just firecrackers waiting to go off. Wild animals usually are - it's where the 'wild' part comes from!

So, he told his kids to stay back from the bars of cage and just watch from afar. His youngest boy, Peter (not real name), at 9 years old is, and always has been, a bit of a tearaway and although good at heart, often doesn't do what he's told - as in this case.

So Peter, decided that the monkeys didn't look that dangerous and approached them, while his father was distracted.
The animals watched him approach, still silent but wary of this little thing at the cage that smelled different, their eyes never still, senses keen.
Peter as he approached was still unaware of the reason for the name and eyes bright with wonder walked right up to the bars. Still quiet, they're not doing anything really, he thought - and decided to stir things up a bit.
Wee shit that he can be, he rattled the bars with a small stick he had obtained in an effort to elicit a response of some kind...

Well, response he wanted - response he got.

The screamers went off! Completely bananas, screaming and screeching and tearing round the enclosure like the lit firecrackers.
Peter near soiled himself and fell on his arse! Hoho. Oh man, such a picture his face must have been.

His father quickly looked around to see if anyone had been attracted by the mayhem and took off before someone came, hefting a significant whallop to the wee pest that is his youngest son!

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