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Monday, January 07, 2008


I know it's only the 7th of January, but I'd be surprised if this little nugget is trumped.

It was the response from Hast Soran of Parramatta when included in an article in the aforementioned paper regarding the increased numbers of mosquitos. Apparently the usual spraying techniques aren't having much of an effect. Ms Soran's explanation? (heh heh) Y'ready...?

"The mosquitos are getting smarter - they've learned to run and hide"

Now, don't laugh - I myself saw one riding a bicycle just the other day. Strangely enough, there's also a bottle of Irish whiskey in my cupboard that's somewhat diminished. So...mosquito on a bike - half a bottle of whiskey. Oh no - the super-smart mozzies can now open bottles!

The remark spurs memories of a film called Deep Blue or something like that which was about a group of marine scientists who were attempting to make fish intelligent - or something like that; was a long time ago and not a particularly good show actually.

Sort of...Jaws meets Bab and Jaayne from the office... Unfortunately for the attractive stars, a great white got hold of some of the potion and the immortal line forthcame...

"They are getting smaaarter", the lead actress claimed, in a delicious English accent. Hoho. I had a few laughs over that. But it was just a film after all.

But now it seems, according to Ms Soran, the humble mozzy has obtained it too. Look out Hollywood - here's the next blockbuster. The intelligent mozzy - he packs heat! Hoho.


On a related matter, the Toowoombarra Institute has awarded Marvin the mutant mosquito lifetime membership in its hallowed halls for services to plasmus ingestus (bloodsucking to you and me).
Marvin wasn't available for comment as he's busy in the lab inventing a cure for the dreaded Mortein* but his friend, Mabel the 'not so mutant but does very well for herself thank you very much', mosquito told muttarsdotcom,

"Marvin is of course delighted to have such a prestigious honour bestowed on him. He would like to thank the Institute; and his family and friends for their ongoing support. And a special mention for the lawyers from whom he learned his trade".

*Mortein is Australia's favourite mozzy spray*


KB said...

Ah, so the mozzies have been drinking all my wine. Hehe.

morgetron said...

Why did God make mosquitoes?

PS: KB looks hot in the above pic.

morgetron said...

PS: I like the new pic at the top. They are beautiful boys. Give 'em a belly rub for me ... will you?

mutters said...

Yeah right, KB - the MOSQUITOS biffed all your vino. Ya.

Ooh Morgy, girl girl appreciation. Should I be excited? Hoho.
My Boys, Morg (note the capital), they're the best, mate.

KB said...

You're not looking bad youself Morgy x

Spoony Quine said...

` The only aspect of that shark movie I remember was the part where my dad (whom I mentioned in the above post) was screaming "Kill her!" - for almost the entire time.

` PS mosquitos are peaceful vegetarians and feed on nectar.

` ...Except for females that need to make eggs.

mutters said...

Your Da seems like a normal person - not!

I've nothing against mozzies but here in Oz they carry disease that can kill so if they're willing to suck on my blood then they're fair game, mate!

KB, Morgy, can you two just get a room...? Hoho (Can I come???)

KB said...

You'd have to check with Morgy, M...she's the boss!


mutters said...

Oh I see; didn't realise lesbians had a dominant/submissive thing goin. Mind you it's human nature so I suppose...