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Thursday, January 03, 2008


David Hicks, 'the convicted supporter of terrorism' has been released from the South Australian prison in which he served the last 9 months of his six year tenure behind bars.

You'll remember he spent 5 years, 3 months in the hell-hole that is Guantanamo Bay - most of it in solitary confinement. I myself spend too much time alone but at least I have the freedom to move around in search of fellowship; I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to be have nothing but a turning mind as a companion. One can only wonder at the mental torture he's endured and indeed what subsequent effect that may have. How many times must the man have turned his past over and over...

**Man, I'd love to speak with him (maybe I'll contact him to write his story - in the inimitable Muttars fashion, i.e. no holds barred - bollocks to the authorities).**

Well, for being connected to the fringes of the war in Afghanistan, (without ever actually killing anyone - as a matter of fact, he wasn't even)pointing his gun in an aggressive way) he served his time. Brutal time, it has to be said. Actual murderers, rapists and peadophiles in some cases have served less...

Now eventually, he's a free man, albeit with an equally brutal control order imposed that requires, demands, orders his presentation at a police station 3 times a week and a curfew between 00:00 and 06:00. He's not permitted to use a telephone or have internet access either, which in this day and is tantamount to cutting a man's hands off.

It must be noted that the Americans didn't have an offence with which to charge Hicks, presumably why they kept him incarcerated - while their legal eagles fabricated one.
It should also be noted that Hicks, whilst in Bosnia, fought ON the American side and that the very enemy America now fights, are almost certainly using arms provided to them by the US when Russia was the invader. Funny that...

In the photo the Rag carries, the man looks pale; in the picture of him walking from the prison with a woman I'd assume is his mother, he wears a face of...stoicism, would be the most accurate. It could be that at any minute he expects the secret service to jump out with guns drawn, laugh, and herd him back inside again - like he won't, can't believe it until he's sitting in his father's home. Even then, he will probably jump at any sharp sound for years to come.

The media have since camped outside his home, cameras at the ready, a dozen high noon sheriffs ready to draw at the slightest twitch of curtain.

Hicks's life is not his own anymore. The police who enforce the draconian curfew have been given permission to extend it indefinitely - if they think it's warranted.

All for being simply on the wrong side of the fence. (See above Bosnia mention).
The machine of the civilized world, when provoked is arguably as brutal as any terrorist.


KB said...

I can't imagine how being locked up in solitary would feel. Would take a strong man to come back from such an ordeal.

I hadn't heard a lot about David Hicks until I read this. So, thanks for sharing.

mutters said...

Neither Australia (from where the unfortunate fellow hails) nor America (our great protector) had a crime with which to charge him when he was caught.
Demonstrating the viciousness of the vengeance inspired by the whole 911 thing, the Americans incarcerated him while their lawyers sought to create one!
This terrifies me more than any Towelhead.