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Monday, October 13, 2008


The Bathurst 1000 was run yesterday. A V8 "Supercar" (as they like to refer to them) race which has over time achieved unparalleled adoration from fans. The race of races.

Bathurst Council, however, seeing the potential for money - (mmmm...loads of lovely money which they can use to buy hookers, go on overseas trips, bleed the system like a MF), have along with those easily led cretins in the world, promoted the race meet as...a family affair.
Bring your caravans, your 4000 dollar tents with barbecue, and worst of all (fucking nightmare in fact…) your kids. Yep, they’re not going to fuck up the weekend! I can just hear it, "Excuse you mind not using that kind of language in front of my child".
Have you ever considered you dopey fuckin bint, that I (and others) may not love your wittle bundle of fun as much as you do? That the wee brat running around screaming actually annoys me (us) more than my swearing (at a race meet!!!) does, you?

Not to sound overly cranky, but it’s a motor race we’re talking about here. It’s not for families. I mean, really, it’s for gangs of blokes – not "gang" gangs, as would be typically imagined, but groups of blokes, beer, semi-naked girls etc.
Having a great ole time.
But his whole “family” thing seems to be at the heart of everything and no better place to see it nauseatingly demonstrated than morning fucking TV. Those news shows with the pretty presenters, the females (though they’d rather go to the sword than confess…) dressed in teasingly slinky clothes.
Hey, don’t blame me – I have to look a the women as sex objects to combat the aforementioned stomach-churning “family”… … bollocks!

A family affair indeed. FUCK OFF FROTBATYLDWY.
And stay the fuck away from my motorsport with your brats!!

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