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Sunday, February 08, 2009


Peter Singer is an author. He's also described as, "one of the most influential thinkers of our time".

His most recent offering is entitled, "The Life You Can Save", is about saving money, essentially. And putting that money to a more magnanimous cause, such as saving a life. (Pass the bucket...).

"Around the world", he says, in response to a bottled water comment, "a billion people struggle to live each day on less than you paid for that drink".

Sure, I'll tell you what, Mr Singer, I'll just give all my money to the poor Africans and go live on the street. Find myself a nice brudge (hehe - that was a typo but then I thought I'd just leave it there for my Kiwi reader...) and live like a troll. Will that make you happy.
Notwithstanding that money, IS all that matters in the modern world (is there a better example of this than what's occurring now...?), throwing it at poverty isn't the answer. Socialism, as heart-warming as it may be, doesn't work. These people need to stop breeding like rabbits. Either that or accept that they're responsible for the life of that child - not some do-gooder on the other side of the world.

Take this American woman, whose IVF treatment resulted in eight more offspring - this on top of the six she already has. Are we seriously to believe this (unemployed) woman will cover the cost of bringing 14 children to adulthood, a cost currently standing at approximately 250,000 dollars a year?

Yeah, right on. You're not going to be scabbing of the system.

So, Mr Singer, I will continue to buy my tin of Coke and respectfully decline to save my 2 bucks in a wee tin to be sent dutifully to little Um Cawaba whose mother and father never once considered the ramifications of their rutting. And I'll give your book a miss, too.


Jayne said...

Bravo Mutters - that's the spirit! (Besides, all that charity cash goes into the pockets of fat politicians anyway - hardly any actually gets to little Um Cawaba anyway)

So, besides muttering at the world - how you doing down there in Oz my friend? I hear you're all suffering from dreadful fires and heatwaves and the moment?

Jayne :)

mutters said...

Exactement, Jayney. All these "charities" have CEOs, who are on hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. I refuse to give my hard-earned to prop up their wage.

Me? I'm still kickin? How's life in the snow?

KB said...

Hey, I don't say bridge like that.

mutters said...

Course you do - you're a Kiwi; you all say it like that.

Y'say "chups" too. Fush and chups. Haha.

Worry not, KB - I love the Kiwis.