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Saturday, February 07, 2009


Michael Phelps, the American Olympic swimmer who won something like eight gold medals and set as many records at the 2008 Olympics in Bejing, has been caught bang to rights smoking a bong. The picture was published in Britain's News of the World newspaper which frankly is a hair's breadth above toilet paper. But anything for a scoop, right?

I have to say though, the entire phrase, "smoking a bong" brings a smile to my, and most peoples' if they're honest, face. I mean, how can anyone take such a chucklesome statement seriously? Smoking a bong indeed, hoho.

Well someone has. In fact, several someone's has, not least of which, Kellogs, the cereal company and Phelps' multi-million (reportedly) dollar sponsor. They have decided Phelps' actions are not consistent with the image they present and are not renewing the swimmer's contract after it expires at the end of February. (Mind you, come the next Olympic Games and considering how much money Phelps makes them, money, as per usual, will talk and no doubt he'll find his way back when the suits at Kelloggs realise what they've done).

Swimming USA have also slapped a 3 month ban on him. However, several of his other sponsors have stuck by him presumably treating it as it is - that being, just a bong. It's hardly mainlining heroin.

Phelps himself has come out and shown the appropriate amount of contrition, admitting, under obvious yet unspoken duress, that he made a bad decision and that he nevertheless intends to continue training during the forced exclusion.

The funniest part of it all - other than the whole "bong" thing (hoho), is the one person he is most terrified of facing - his mother.

Hey Mike, give your Ma a full and unfettered explanation, I've no doubt she'll understand. Kelloggs? Tell them to get fucked! After you've set another plethora of world records, they'll be on their collective hands and knees begging to sponsor you again.

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