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Saturday, August 05, 2006

are we witnessing the demise of humour?

A few months ago, cartoons appeared depicting Mohammed in a less than distinguished light. The result has been extreme, to say the least. Radio Station CEO’s everywhere must have been rubbing their hands with glee with the interest and resultant stirrings; being inundated with calls on the subject as they were.

Financial benefits aside, there is a more frightening side to this. That is—the further breakdown in relations between the Middle East, and the West. The Islamic response to what it sees as Western interference.

People had been ringing radio stations all day,(and for several after) claiming outrage at such an offensive drawing. The drawing— can’t call it a cartoon (ever mindful of the politically correct Nazis, oops, racist)— concerning the virgins, if you’ve seen it, you’ll understand, is very amusing although quite irreverent. If you haven’t, the punchline humorously claims that paradise is ‘running out of virgins’. Islam went apeshit over it. Me? I thought it was quite funny.

All kinds of threats were forthcoming as a result. The entire Islamic world erupted in uproar and condemnation of this most offensive and appalling insult towards their beliefs. Far out mate – get a sense of humour, why don’t you. Of course, this author is Irish and thus has been the butt of jokes for years (Paddy the Irish/English/Scottish man).

Never mind the thought police; have the humour police struck? Stop that, that’s funny. I challenge anyone to apply that phrase from the uniform clad Graham Chapman, in the famous Monty Python sketch, where he’s pompously denying the previous, usually quite ridiculous play, and not find that hilarious. The scene I remember was the horde of old ladies terrorizing Joe Public. Classic Python. Maybe old women the world over should revolt at this portrayal. Puh-leeze!

Will we soon be facing the compulsory removal of one’s funny bone? (At the owner’s expense no doubt, I would offer). Will it become an offence, to be seen laughing in public? Will there be signs similar to those for littering, placed on telegraph poles throughout the land? Neighbour pitted against neighbour—if you see, or suspect, someone of laughing, alert the authorities. We’ll then punish them for their most heinous crime.

Will we then have the ‘urban humorist’, fighting against the injustice, spraypainting ‘Knock-Knock’ and ‘Why did the Muslim cross the road’ jokes on any available piece of canvas. (I know it’s ‘chicken’ but in the name of the discrimination of comedy the humourist will change the subject) Where comedy is forced onto the black market? At market stalls everywhere, DVD’s of comedy are sold – in brown paper bags like the porn mags received through the post (not that this particular author has ever taken part in such depravity – simple research, honest).

An army of ‘Graham Chapmans’ with straight, dour faces called to shut the stall down when someone with the aforementioned removed funnybone gets wind of it. In darkened basements, those who have rebelled against the removal of their funny bone gather to giggle in secret, mindful not to laugh out loud in case they’re heard. Brave men who stand on street corners, telling jokes to the deaf. Running for their lives at the appearance of the law.

Gangs of joke wielding comedians roaming the streets, picking on the slow and defenceless. Hijacking P.A. systems, putting their propaganda over the air. Over the decades, after years of suppression, comedians will finally be allowed to (cos’ comedians are people too, after all) have an area where they can ‘comede’, if you like, at will.

We all laugh at something or someone, whether they be falling over, or making a mockery of themselves for a TV show. Think Laurel and Hardy, Monty Python, The Young Ones etc. The list here is enormous, but you get my general idea.

Without humour, the world’s a sad and depressing place and this author for one is going to keep embracing irreverence in the name of a laugh. Political correctness be damned!



KB said...

Well written piece M.

Man, if I had a dollar for every blonde joke I've heard. I think I enjoy them even more because I am blonde and they're quite often closer to the truth than I care to admit.

A blonde friend of mine was in a supermarket the other day, she had a blonde moment and tried to laugh it off with the next person in line. This person berated her for using the term 'blonde moment' and said she found the term offensive.

Bet she's a barrel of laughs!

mutters said...

Thanks KB.
The Towelheads just have no sense of humour - and they hate the West and all it stands for with a zeal that's frightening.

Any excuse...