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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Big Stick

I would like, at this point in the blog's life, to introduce - parpety-parpety-parp (those are trumpets, btw), THE BIG STICK .

The Big Stick is my own personal arbiter of justice (as I like to call it). Father of medium-sized stick and grandfather to the little stick. Which, t'be honest, isn't actually a stick - more of a whip - with chains - and furry handcuffs, and I particularly like using this stick when -(censored; getting a bit off the point, aren't we? Ed.)
Ahem! Where was I? Oh right, the Big Stick. Well, as I was saying - Big Stick, arbiter, justice - y'get the message.
I hope you get to know and love the Big Stick as I do. Embrace the Big Stick. The Big Stick's our friend. Only the Big Stick can set you free!! (you finished? Ed.)

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