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Thursday, August 17, 2006


After waiting for some time, I finally watched a particular film recently. It starred and was directed by a famous 'Hollywood' actor, the legendary Clint Eastwood. The reason why I waited was because this actor/director's films sometimes are hit and miss affairs. His westerns are legendary, as are his cop films. And many more. But sometimes, in my opinion, there are films he's made that are (again, in my opinion), mediocre. This film, I thought was one such film.
I couldn't have been more wrong. In this world of manufactured...rubbish! (is the best description), films, especially American ones (no offence to the Yanks) are a compendium of big explosions, stunts, dopey one-liners et al. Films with soul, that have an effect on you, are few and far between. This is one of those rarities. The film of which I speak is 'Million Dollar Baby'. When I first heard of it when it was released, it was touted as an award-winner (which it was), but nevertheless it was about boxing.
Mention of boxing immediately conjured up an image of Sly Stallone getting the shit beat out of him for fourteen rounds, then making a superhuman comeback in the last round to claim victory amongst much celebration and patriotism (Rocky 4 at least). The Rocky series actually are very entertaining, if one doesn't take them too seriously. (You just have to see Eddie Murphy's "RAW" live concert to see the way he gives it to Italians, after they've seen a Rocky film - priceless stuff). Funny, but that's for another post. There's nothing funny about this one.

Back to the film in question. To precis: girl boxes, girl gets hurt, the end. Doesn't tell you much, I know, but I don't want to spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it. For those people, go out and rent/buy it immediately - I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
The effect it had on this author was...tremendous. It was so not what I expected and frankly, blew me away. It is an extremely moving piece of acting and a glimpse of this author's own personal nightmare (one he hopes he NEVER has to suffer).

And so, to the main point and title of this post - euthanasia.

A very emotive subject indeed and it divides nations with the majority being on the side of keeping it illegal. Human life, they say, should be maintained at all costs, no matter what. Christians and the religious claim it to be only God's right to take it away. That it's sacrosanct. That it's above all else; that regardless of whatever else may be sacrificed, human life must be protected.
Well, that's all well and good in most circumstances but consider this. Take a moment and really consider this.
A man driving home to his wife one evening is involved in a car crash. His neck is broken, but he doesn't die; instead he's paralysed from the neck down. Doctors tell him while he lies there unable to move anything, that this is it - he'll never recover. He'll be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. This once proud, active, family man, who used to carry his boy on his shoulders, now can't even turn his head to look at him. What kind of life does he now have? Living in a wheelchair with the only movement by blowing into a tube. A perpetual spectator. Never again a competitor. If he wants to slip his mortal coil, then why shouldn't he? Who am I to tell him he can't?
In the bed next to him, a woman is dying of cancer; her body screams with the intense pain the disease brings. All day every day, she begs to be released from this, her own personal hell. The doctors administer the most powerful pain-killing drugs in their arsenal - it doesn't help, still she suffers. Again she begs for release. In moments of lucidity, which are few and far between because of the cocktail of drugs given to her, she wonders why these people, who claim to love her, won't set her free from the torture. She lies there 24/7 with only her tortured mind to go round and round.
While she suffers, the world goes on. They talk about compassion and empathy; care and love; laws and right/wrong. Not once do they talk about how she feels. Not once is her opinion considered, instead dismissed with condecension. 'Aw, she doesn't know what she's saying - she's delirious'. Of course at times she's friggin delirious - with pain. But in a part of her mind, she knows exactly how things are. And she doesn't want to endure it anymore. This woman, who is slowly dying under the most extreme and intense pain as her insides are eaten away becomes something over whom the politicians quabble. The lawlords cite reasons why they can't allow it; they prolong her agony while they eat lunch at fancy restaurants. They debate it over chardonnay like it's a school competition, each trying to outdo the other with their knowledge (alleged) of morality and ethics. Meanwhile, the woman suffers on, dying to die.
Her family moan and bleat - 'what about me, she's my mother/sister/daughter. What am I going to do? I'll be heartbroken. How can I live without her. It's too hard'. And on and on they whine about me, me, me. While their relative suffers in agony and begs and pleads again and again to be put out of her misery.
You selfish...#@*>*#@, the lot of ye. When? Tell me when this became about you. Are you seriously suggesting that you perpetuate someone's private hell, just because you'll feel...mournful or sad? That they should endure the most extreme suffering just so you can avoid having to make a decision that might leave you upset?
I'm having difficulty putting this into words. I can hardly believe it. These...these...invertabrates, that are so weak, and so selfish, that they'd rather see someone suffer than release them, just to cater for their own self-indulgent feelings make me SICK!! I'm almost speechless. Gonna have to stop now.

I can only hope and pray to whomever's listening, that if ever I'm in that insufferable position, someone who loves me, really loves me, and doesn't just throw the word about like a teenage popstar, will stand up and be counted.
Me? I'm more than willing to do time over it. If someone I love is in such desperate pain and suffering and, with a clear mind (I'll know, believe me, I'll know) asks for release, then as God Almighty is my judge, I'll not let them down.

There are worse things than death!


Unknown said...

As one who was in this position egarding a very close relative,the decision is not cut and dried. Of course you want to help the person to be free from pain. Another side effect of this is the total loss of dignity which is also very distressing for both the person in physical pain and the carer who suffers great mental anguish.
Mutters has very strong views on this subject. The piece shows great emotion on the part of the writer and indicates that he or she feels strongly about this subject which has been a "hot potato" for a very long time.

I enjoy reading your controversial articles and look forward to more of the same.

mutters said...

I think the position is 'cut and dried' actually, gladiola. I think it's exactly that. I can absolutely understand the depth of love one can feel for another (after all that's what they say defines us - surprise, surprise, I disagree with that too!), and I can sympathise with the pain one can experience at the loss, ( actually, I can't 'cause apparently I'm callously indifferent, but that's a whole other subject for a whole other day), but in the eyes of the unemotionally unaffected, this MUST be about the actual physical suffering of another soul, rather than the pointless emotional sado-masochistic suffering of the self. Re; 'boo-hoo, I'm so sad', while the loved one goes through a living hell.

I believe that, for your loved one's sake, society shouldn't condemn them to unreasonable suffering. I feel for you and I appreciate your loss, but I will not codone torture, which is what society KNOWS it can be.

I don't mean to hurt for pleasure (if indeed that is what I do) however this is a place where one can 'call it like he sees it' and therefore I have to put my rational, firm belief out there.

In this world of smoke and mirrors, where deceit and misdirection are the norm, I value honesty above all else and will follow this tenet to my destruction. (Half way there already if it's any consolation :))
If it offends then I offer my apologies but promulgate that to lie is to betray; which is infinitely worse and can only lead to a seperation of being.

(Sorry for the Zen moment).

Thanks for commenting; hope I haven't upset you too much!

Call again :)

KB said...

Fantastic film and I agree with your thoughts on the subject. I think people who keep loved ones alive, who are obviously suffering, can only be thinking of themselves.

mutters said...

Exactement, KB. It beggars my belief that such self-obsession takes precedent over a person's suffering. A sad indictment indeed.