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Thursday, August 21, 2008


Sharks. "Terrors of the deep". Those prehistoric creatures who rule the seas and have done since the year dot (every living thing on earth originated from he water).

After the scare of "Jaws", that great film, they were hunted by the uneducated and ignorant, spurred on by fear. (Because, let's face it - it's OUR ocean - how dare they swim in it when we want to).

They're now in the sights of the capitalists. In search of the dollar. And for what do they slaughter these magnificent creatures? Their fins. That's it. They catch them, cut off their fins and throw them back into the sea where they drown.

Fuckin slopes!

And these wankers in Australia are no better. Between them, Melbourne, Brisbane and Cairns export approximately 200 tons of shark fin. Just to sate the unquenchable appetites of the billions of slopes. (These are the same people who are responsible - along with the US and India - for the majority of the world's greenhouse gases and who refuse point blank to sign the agreement to reduce said gases).

And so another species, which along with crocodiles, are the oldest on the planet - veritable dinosaurs in fact - are facing extinction.

What will happen when they're gone? Oh dear, no more shark fin soup!



KB said...

I had no idea they cut off the fins and threw them back. That's just...I don't have the words!

mutters said...

The report showed an image of one lying on its side, perhaps a foot from the bottom, minus dorsal and tail fin. Unable to move forward, thus employing its gills (where it filters the oxygen from the water) it had drowned.
Just so the slopes can have their shark fin soup - and so Australia can perpetuate commerce.

KB said...

Originated from he water? Don't yell at me...LOL!

mutters said...

Damn, you seem to be enjoying this just a bit too much, KB.


Spoony Quine said...

This is just as senseless as what has been done to orcas just off the coast of Everett!

Luckily, I don't think sharks will go extinct, seeing as how many species there are, and the fact that they live everywhere from the Atlantic to Greenland.
` Still, certain species might. Take the incredible passenger pigeon, which darkened the skies for hours as flocks migrated at sixty miles per hour!
` There used to be far more of these amazing birds living in America than there are people living here today. Because of this fact, everyone just shot them all and they are now extinct.
` Or what about the Carolina Parakeet, my country's only native parrot species? When it became rare, people forgot it was a native species and, thinking they were foreign pests, shot them all. They went extinct almost the same time as the passenger pigeon....

mutters said...

Hmmm...should really've included the species...

It was similar to the Grey Nurse (which IS threatened).

Total shark life probably couldn't be defeated, agreed but still, should we really be complacent about any specific breed?

Three hundred species have become extinct in the last two decades.
Three fuckin hundred, SEE. And this is our doing. And we can't stop it. We won't - it's not in our nature. The machine rolls on.

Spoony Quine said...

I know, we're still bastards. It's hard to control a world of idiots.

mutters said...

The consolation is we'll probably destroy ourselves eventually.