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Saturday, August 02, 2008


There’s a brutal anti smoking ad on tv. It shows a middle aged man who in life would have been quite the larrakin, but now, after having suffered a stroke as a result of smoking (allegedly – I believe nothing those people say and I’d give them the cane, were it up to me…! I of course refer to the anti-smoking Nazis) he is now trapped in a paralysed, stroke afflicted body, being tended to by his destroyed but stoic wife.
He talks about his kid, so although we don’t see them in the ad, it’s clear they exist and the intimation is that they, too, are suffering the same fate as their mother – minus the clear understanding.

It’s a fucking rough advert, and no mistake.

It’s also a fact – but not a guarantee. It’s like this:

I know smoking is detrimental to my health. There exist wee men in deepest darkest Peru with bones through their noses who fucking know as well.
However, you simply cannot guarantee that this end will be my (or anyone’s end). Which is exactly, word for word, what you’re doing. A desperate act from a cartel bereft of ideas and with no concrete evidence, resorting to scare tactics - which history has proven doesn't work.
Smoking, in point of fact, doesn’t always kill. (It does however, fuck one’s lungs but that isn’t my current point – and even if it was, who the fuck are you to tell me I can’t. There are countless ways life can kill us and if you’re going to start instructing me in how to live, complete with vicious fucking legislation, then life is truly at an end…)

Another of these ads show a smoker being operated on by surgeons to remove “fatty deposits” that can “lead to a stroke, blindness” blah, blah, fucking blah. Once again – a possibility, not certainty…
What is a certainty though, is that if you are obese, remember them, you know who I mean...the fatties, those blobs of human dough who sweat and wobble through life gorging on whatever they can lay their meaty, sausage-like fingers on, they will die earlier than expected. And be every bit as unhealthy (arguably more so) as the much maligned smoker. A smoker's health is affected predominately by the reduction in lung capacity - a fatty's by the fact that their body weight has doubled, tripled in size, thus putting their heart under incredible strain as the organ created to carry a finite amount now has to cope with this amount doubling/tripling.

And if you want facts and figures...go and look them up yourself (I've never been a researcher) but the crux is this:

Global obesity now costs more in terms of human life and strain on the health systems than tobacco related diseases. This is a fact – look it up.
And so, employing society’s own rationale, and given that our roly-poly friends don’t have to view the same deterrent as a similar group, then it can only be deduced that a form of discrimination exists.
And has done for years. In fact, now, under instruction of that fuckwit, Iemma, the cretinous NSW Premier, all tobacco products are now being forced “under the counter” – to protect the young from their fatal influence.
Meantime said young are imitating their porky parents and eating themselves to the aforementioned early grave. While washing it down with copious amounts of piss and staggering their way to beatings, stabbings and unwanted pregnancies.

The humble smoke doesn't seem so bad now...


Spoony Quine said...

ROTFL! I'd sa more but there's tons of people in my 6 by 9 metre apartment.

mutters said...

And they're all lookin over your shoulder while you're writing eh?

Tell them to fuck off - you're busy!!

Heh heh.

I'll wait.

Spoony Quine said...

I think that people who are dying of fatness, for their own good, should get liposuction and then pay for it by making their fat into decorative soaps. Like in Fight Club!

mutters said...

Or...make them view a picture of a burger made from it...right on the wrapper.

What's good for the goose...

Spoony Quine said...

No, they should wash with/eat their own fat! You know, recycling and all....

mutters said...

I just want them to face the same shocking images I and my ilk do. It's only fair (course, no-one ever said life was fair - but if not fair, at least minus blatant discrimination).

For example:

Smokers have the images. As do drunks and would be speeding drivers. All have to face advertisements that shock.

So what about the obese - the other silent killer??? Diabetes, heart disease, clogged arteries, to name but a few effects of this...greed???

The definition of discrimination.

Tap, tap, tap...I very well may pursue this actually.

Spoony Quine said...

There was one ad long ago about someone singing monotone with a cancer kazoo, "No, you don't always die from tobacco...."

They should have something like a guy who's had a stroke singing, "No, you don't always die from being a fatass!"

mutters said...

...but you can't run the length of yourself without coughin up the little of your lungs you have left!


But at least your tits aren't down round your knees. Or embarrass your kids when you try to shoehorn the flab into a swimsuit at the beach.

Or grow cultures between the folds.

And you can't run far either.

Nah, gimme smokes over 10 bellies anyday!

KB said...

You could never smoke or drink, eat healthy, exercise and die by being run over by a bus. I've never seen an ad about being careful when you cross the road come to think of it.

Spoony Quine said...

Hey, yeah! What's goin' on here?

mutters said...

You've lost me, KB.


I have no idea - looks like KB's been hittin the claret again!

Spoony Quine said...

` No, they should totally have ads about crossin' the street! That, and drunk driving! I knew a kid who was riding his bike and a drunk driver hit him... he died.

mutters said...

They did. It was called the Green Cross Code.

Look left, look right, when it's safe to cross, do so, looking left and right as you do.

We were taught this in primary school. And it works. Which is why I can jaywalk like a pro...

Common sense really (a virtue in short supply these days judging by the amount of cretins being run over...).

Don't want to get run over? Stay off the fuckin road, dickhead. I don't drive on the footpath!

Don't EVEN get me started on pissheads and the catalogue of mayhem they cause!!!!

Which, in point of fact, smokers don't so lay...the, right!!!

Spoony Quine said...

Over here we just give tickets to jaywalkers....

mutters said...

Is that the royal "we". "Our country", "our police force", "our athletes".

It's not "your" anything, SEE. This whole possession thing is a ploy by the masters to distract the people from the fact they're gettin fucked over by those very same masters.

Can't you see?

Spoony Quine said...

Actually, it's just me an' my friends, pretending to be cops. Just kiddin'!
` But seriously, I think I can divert this problem by simply taking over the world.
` Should be easy... I'll just have to avoid doing what Pinky and the Brain have already done....

mutters said...

YOU can't take over the world, SEE - I've already started.

Who the f**k are Pinky and Brain???

Spoony Quine said...

Since you're on the INTERNET right now, WHY DON'T YOU INVESTIGATE?

Funny stuff though:

Brain: "Pinky, Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

Pinky: "Wuh, I think so, Brain, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels."

Brain: "We must head to a place where overweight, middle-aged people go to party and throw away money."

Pinky: "Capitol hill?"

Brain: "It must be inordinately taxing to be such a boob."

Pinky: "You have no idea."

Anyway, I hope I've done a little to irritate you today, since you seem to enjoy it so much.

And I bet I'll beat you to taking over the world!! Pttbtbtb!

...First of all, I'll have to find a partner in crime who won't botch up my plans through dimwittedness....

mutters said...

Well I would but my upgrade hasn't kicked in yet, plus my creativity has sparked to life and I'm rippin into my book. Is great.
Irritate? No. Exasperate would be more accurate - but not on this occasion.

Nice story but I'm still no closer to knowin who the fuck Pinky and Brain are.

'S ok...I'll take your time there...

mutters said...

...Just the words a man wants to hear, SEE
'Cept I'm no ordinary man...

You're not goin' to send another semi naked pic again are ye??

KB said...

I saw a warning on a ciggie packet today which read - smoking causes gangrene. What's that about?

It's nice to see SEE knew what I meant by the being run over by a bus comment and no I wasn't on the claret. Makes a change, hehe!

mutters said...

Yeah, and they make you blind too!

Blindness, limb amputation, gangrene. This are all one in a million occurrences. They happen, of course they do - I don't deny it, but they are rare.

(Note: news just in. Annual cost of obesity to the health system currently:

Yep, you heard right - billion.

Spoony Quine said...

That's a lot.

BTW, Pinky and the Brain are lab mice... let me confuse you more, here....