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Monday, August 04, 2008


Some "athlete" ws on TV just a while back explaining what is entailed in taking a drug test for the Olympics.

She describes it as:

"You stand and lift your shirt up to your neck, and drop your trousers to your ankles and pee in a beaker - with a chaperone watching to prove it's actually your urine".

Hoho. Pretty straight forward for the men (matter of fact, some showoffs could go for distance haha. John Thomases are quite handy at times), but how does it work with the women? Does someone hold the cup while the girl stands knees apart? What about direction? Splashes?
And what if you let a fart sneak out while your flexing??

More importantly, isn't this very pose the favourite of flashers? (Not that I would know, you understand).

Oh man, such an image. Think I'll stick to the sofa...!

...And pass on that job!


KB said...

You can pee from the sofa? Braggin again me thinks, hehe!

I have the perfect pic for this post...brb :)

KB said...

Was gonna show you a pic of a sheewee but can't post link. Will mail it you ya :)

Unknown said...

I remember going out for the day with my family all of whom conveniently went behind atree ot over a ditch to do the necessary.

No thought given to me at all--happy days hohohohohohoho!!

mutters said...


I can spell my name, y'know (mind ye - I have to drink about a gallon of water...long name y'see).

Gladiola: of men eh? Maybe you should've eaten brocolli or somethin. They say what one eats when knocked up can determine the sex of the child.


Not sure which article you mean but yeah - what a job. I mean, I'm a man and as such I look at naked women - but in this pose? Maybe not. Woot?

Dr Zibbs said...

Sounds like a regular date to me.

mutters said...

Haha - funny, Dr Zibbs. Maybe you're doin' it wrong!

Spoony Quine said...

The things people will endure to enter the Olympics.... lol!

mutters said...

Well...not so much people as women. Men? Heh heh, we don't even have to be in the same room! It's all a matter of trajectory. And flow. And bladder control, balance...

Actually, now I think of it, it's quite an art. Hang on - I think I've just created the next Olympic sport.

Points for accuracy, splashes on shorts...hey, writing competition in fake snow!

Every bit as legitimate as synchronized bloody swimming!

Hohoho...chuckle chuckle...

morgetron said...

As a seasoned pee-er (sp?) I can say that with regular kegel exercises and some determination, a woman can indeed pee standing up ... with aim.

Put that in you pipe and smoke it.


mutters said...

You pee standin up a lot do ye, Tronny? (Gettin' a scare and wettin' yourself doesn't count...).
Sounds like more of that 'women are equal to men' nonsense you stubbornly champion.
Gonna need proof then. I want to see you spell your name in the snow. (If snow isn't available then sprinkle flour on the ground. Don't worry, I'll demonstrate too).

P.S. I don't smoke a pipe. Used too in my 'old fella' phase but it didn't stick.

morgetron said...

Ummmm NO.

Why are you SO serious?

mutters said...

Ummmm NO?

And I'm talking about pissin in the snow?

What's serious about that? It's you who sounds serious, matey.

In the newly created Olympic sport of pee writing, the men have it nailed I'm afraid.

As soon as multiple orgasming becomes (no pun intended there either) an Olympic sport, women will have to settle for second.

Over to you, Tronny.

morgetron said...

Oh Mutt -- it just seems that no matter what we are discussing you always bring the man-woman thing into it. I think you must wake up thinking about it every morning. I wasn't even thinking about the thesis: "Man or Woman -- Who's Better?" when I was talking about MY peeing capabilities. I was just sharing a goofy ol' story with you.
So ... over to me, huh. Here is my response:

This is YOUR mentality when it comes to women.

mutters said...

Oh dear, we sound a bit miffed. Your implication that I constantly refer to this matter is a bit off, mate.
Can't remember the last time actually.
Anyway, still waiting for utube...slow connection...
You need to relax. It seems you got the wrong end of the stick; first with the suggestion that I'm "SO" serious (how could I be serious when talking about pissing in the snow???) And then this. Clearly it's sticking in your craw.
I'll get to this opinion of my mentality when my bloody connection pulls its finger out. But I'll put money on it that it's pretty inaccurate.
What I know about women - today's empowered women - is...well, best not get into it with you, Tronny.
Touchy subject.
For the record: you take care, my friend. Sorry if I upset you.

morgetron said...

It's cool Mutty. I'm okay. I can't wait for you to see the video though.


mutters said...

Wish I had the last 2 minutes 51 seconds of my life back, Tronny.

What a load of shit. Seriously, the things some people will do.

The only thing more sad is the amount of cretins who applaud the vid. (No offence to you really think it's funny?).

And you think this is my opinion of women?

Tronny...please...surely you jest.

Spoony Quine said...

While I think the ghetto dork is funny, I'm not sure if I want to show him my genitals.... I think Muttars needs to stop being a tightass.

Spoony Quine said...

Oh yeah, and I do love your peeing competition. It's so brilliant that it will surely fail. Darn! I would really enjoy seeing it!!!

mutters said...

Not finding a loser desperate for his 15 minutes funny doesn't make me a tightass, SEE
Moreover, this Joe clearly has, or has had, issues with women. And seeing this vid, it's not hard to see why.

As far as the peeing comp goes: one could wear a cap on one's nob in the respective country's colours. (There's a whole new industry too - designing willie sleeves).

Spoony Quine said...

That's a wonderful idea! I love it! And just for coming up with that idea, I'll knit you one if you want....

mutters said...

Mighty civil of ye. Word of caution though...wool on bare skin is a tad itchy and I wouldn't want to go around scratchin' my nob all day. People might get the wrong idea (mind you - I could join the papistry, I think it's a preference there!)

Spoony Quine said...

Cotton it is... though I like nob-scratching!

mutters said...

I don't doubt it!

Could do a Kramer...I'm out there, SEE, and I'm lovin' every minute of it!

Word of caution, though, zips sans jocks is not without risk - with eye-watering results!

Spoony Quine said...

A good reason to invest in button-fly pants. Except for when you're drunk and can't feel your fingers....

mutters said...

Button ups are just as much a pain in the balls in their own way.

Spoony Quine said...

Unless you had a hot li'l buttonservant.

mutters said...

Now there's a thought. A fly technician.

Spoony Quine said...

As blogger Crabcake used to say; Aaaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!