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Saturday, September 20, 2008


In a headline in the Saturday Rag that's sure to infuriate all previous victims of domestic violence, Katie Milligan, the abused girlfriend of Greg Bird, claims, "My Greg would never hurt me".

My first thought was, if this isn't hurting her I'd hate to see what would be. Remember, this man (loosely speaking of course) smashed a glass in the girl's face causing severe lacerations. And if this isn't "hurting", what's left - murder?

Yet in the words of Dolly Parton, she's "standing by her man".

Brings a whole new meaning to love hurts eh?


KB said...

Yikes, he smashed a glass in her face? Why isn't he in prison?

mutters said...

Apparently she declined to press charges - because "she woves him" (dopey fuckin bint!)

I would like to know under which circumstances this act is ever justified. I mean, as abhorrent as it is, lashing out with a to a degree, well, anger's a powerful emotion but to mash a glass in someone's face - especially one's beau?

**I should reiterate - I have never struck anyone, man or woman, and while I could name a dozen men who deserve such a punch, I of course would never behave in the same way towards the fairer sex. **