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Sunday, September 14, 2008


Source: The Sunday Rag.

The front page carries the headline "POLL-AXED" and refers to the beating Labor has taken at the recent council elections. All as a result of Iemma and his co-conspirators' incompetence. (To be fair though, whilst absolving none of the blame, they were handed a bag of shit from... ...fucking Bob fucking Carr, that...fuck!!! Another Labor man.).

It's joined with a picture of Liz Kemp with her son. She is the (now) separated wife of "held in God-like status" Brett Lee, the idolized cricketer. Page three in fact has an almost full page spread of her enjoying more time with the kid.
Which is exactly what she accused Lee of doing yesterday. So, they both seem to be exploiting their parenting to the max.
Dirty, nasty stuff.
Anyway, boohoo, the rich and their "woe is me", "life's so hard", self obsession.
Stop it - you'll have me cryin into my yellow pack cornflakes!

Next two pages - politics. Snoozeville.

Next two ads and more politics, focussing this time on Reba Meagher, the ex-Health Minister - a truly woeful one.

So it's page nine before we get to anything worth caring about. A picture of a Great Dane standing over a Chihuahua and a story about "most destructive" dog breeds. This story will rely purely on statistical information and therefore flawed, but with the cutsey story about Rottweillers and their $3300 vases. Nevertheless it still beats politics! And let me add something here; one is more likely to be bitten or acted aggressively towards by the Chihuahua than the much larger dog. Fact.

Oh God. Page 13 has a story about Bob Irwin, the son off the late Steve who was tragically killed by a stingray barb in some paradise somewhere while filming his latest show. I think he actually was a decent sorta Joe and am certain he'd be turning in his grave at some of the exploits of his capitalistic wife, Terri.
Just as we're getting over the sickening overexposure of the pig-tailed Bindi, Bob's sister, now Bob is set to have his own show.

Next we have a double page of the Packers new 3.7 million dollar pool. Yep, you heard right - just the pool. The Packers are Australia's richest family. The patriarch, (Kerry - bit of a girly name) is dead; Jamie the son is now in charge. A shockingly unattractive man, just quietly, yet with a hot wife.

Oh oh. Page 17 carries a bit about the Papists and how they're being held responsible for the flu that currently seems to be affecting the general population. "Pilgrims" from 100 different countries, it seems, were a bit manky, bringing their diseases with them. You are well aware of my opinion of these people. And yes, by "these" I mean Papists!
The opposite page offers me my "last chance" to join the Fun Run. Yeah righto, where can I put my chair?

The teachers are planning a day of action. Because of the new "staff-transfer" system which allows for Principals to have ultimate control over hiring of new staff. As sympathetic as I am I can't get over the two months annual holidays, frankly.

A bit about Teens raiding their parents' pill closets for the hit is in there. No real biggie - kids have been ingesting powder and pills for decades. The much larger concern is still the piss.

America's getting whalloped by yet another hurricane. Dubbed "Ike", this one is similar in power to the famous Katrina. That makes four. Poor bastards.

A bit about Sarah Palin, the running mate of John McCain, who recently claimed America should consider going to war with Russia over the Georgian affair. She claims it's inevitable.
I think she's a fox.

And that's about it. Politics fills the rest of the Rag, then the comics and pictures of the beautiful at parties.


KB said...

No Rugby? What a surprise.

mutters said...

Actually there was a report in the sport pages but I was in a hurry.

It's okay though - I saw yours.

Anonymous said...

2 months holiday--re teachers--- not at all.
Teachers have to return to the coalface earlier that the so-called pupils--or is that not p.c. now--- to prepare for the next year.
Do you not agree--particularly in a pupil of your calibre-- a substantial rise and more time off to recover from the experience-- is TOTALLY JUSTIFIED??????

mutters said...

I do agree that teachers nowdays certainly seem to have a bunch of wee bastards to teach. A legacy of the bleeding hearts.

But if pupils get 6 weeks off in the summer, 2 weeks at Christmas and another 2 at Easter (plus all the single days - under miscellaneous), how much of that time do the teachers get then?
Surely it's more than the 4 weeks annual leave afforded to "ordinary" workers. Nurses, for example (who right enough seem to perpetually whine about pay also).

I, for example, work just as hard as any teacher and the last time I had even 4 weeks off, let alone 10...hang on - I've never had 4 weeks of actually. was just an off the cuff remark. I've nothing against teachers (since I left school at least!).

Anonymous said...

I;m quite sure you have nothing against teachers. Indeed I despair at the lak of spelling and grammar in these "new age" tachers--for want of a better phrase.
I just couldn't let it go unchallenged!!

Anonymous said...

Check the deliberate mistakes-- as I'm sure a person of your high standard of grammar etc.--will do.!!!!

KB said...

Every time I see the title of this post... I imagine you reading the news in your briefs. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

A good friend of mine is a teacher. Every time I visit her for dinner she is busy marking or lesson planning. Last time we went on hols, she brought exam marking with her and fit it in whenever she could.

It's such an important job she's doing. She never seems to have a proper break, I think she could do with more holidays to be honest.

mutters said...

I don't use 'em. They call them "budgie-smugglers" here. Obviously some reference to a wee willie...

A boxers man am I.

Look, I know teachers work more than the 6-odd hours pupils are there but to demand more holidays...??? I think not. I don't know what they're paid (maybe you should ask your friend), so perhaps they deserve a raise but I am quite sure they are well aware of the pay scale before they enter the profession so...

If it's not enough...don't do it then. I don't remember any guns held to heads.

KB said...

budgie smuggles......lmao.

Shame on you re the teachers. They are NOT well paid for the hours they put in and they deserve every penny they get for working with the kids of today. My friend was spit on by a kid but she stays because she loves to teach. Why else would anyone do it?

Many parents don't have time for their children these days (makes me wonder why they bother having them in the first place) so where would we be without teachers?

If we added up all the extra hours they put in...they probably don't get any holidays at all.

mutters said...

Shame on me, my arse; my Ma was a school teacher (back in the days when kids were more manageable - before Dr fuckin' Spock and his bleeding hearts tied parents' hands).

Methinks you should research teachers' pay, KB - then we'll know.

Moreover, I'm not suggesting they don't have it hard nowdays, but who amongst us don't (except you, Riley).

KB said...

I already know what my friend is paid. Maybe you should do the research.

mutters said...

And why would I want to - I already know I'm right.

KB said...

No comment :)

mutters said...

Heh heh

Unknown said...

Still have to have the last word eh muttars!!

Anonymous said...

"Check the deliberate mstakes"

Forgot to sign my nom de plume. Thought you might have guessed.

mutters said...

It's called common courtesy, Gladiola (and much like it's brother, common decency - in short supply these days...).
If someone takes the time to comment then it's incumbent on me to offer at the very least an acknowledgement.