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Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I was asked a while back if my Boys would defend me should I ever be set upon by someone. At the time I replied that I didn't know because, well, I've never BEEN set upon by someone.

That changed yesterday; except it wasn't someONE as much as someTHING. You'll remember the carpet rat that Scoob chased a short while ago? Well, the wee bastard came running out of its garden yapping away as per usual. And as per usual I, and the Boys, ignored it as a mere nuisance.

However, this time it ran up behind me (as all cowards do) and took a chunk out of the back of my leg (wee...fucker). It didn't hurt, nor really bothered me that much.

But my Boys leapt to my defence, immediately racing after the rat which proceeded to yelp like a wee girl and take off back to the safety of mummy.

So in answer to the question - yep, the Boys will defend me.

Go Boys!

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