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Monday, July 07, 2008


The picture really speaks for itself. This joe jumped in after the bear - after they'd shot it in the arse with a tranquilizer dart (would tend to make one bolt...).
and it raced straight into the water where it passed out and began to drown.

Lucky bastard (the joe - not the bear).

The arse shot (it's okay, it's not naked!)

Everyone here's (excepting the bear) a puddin'! See what happens when you stop people smoking!!!

*Images courtesy of the Courier Mail*


Spoony Quine said...

` In three months, this bear is going to go on a tranquilizer shooting rampage through town....

KB said...

Wow, that guy must have been eating his weetbix !

mutters said...


Asked if he remembered anything before passing out, the bear replied, "bellies - all I saw was bellies".


You think the JCB was to lift the bear? No, it was just luck; the "Five bellies" Boys bought had just come from grocery shopping...

Spoony Quine said...

` What is it with breakfast cereal in British Commonwealth nations having the suffix 'bix'? What does that even mean?

Spoony Quine said...

` ...Or maybe it's just Austrialia?

mutters said...

It's ripped off from the UK where it's known as weet-A-bix.

The "bix" is an abbreviation for biscuit - colloquially known all over as "biccys", hence bix.

The x replaces the s's in many cases, much to my chagrin! Another example of the deterioration of grammar.

Spoony Quine said...

` Aha! I knew I'd heard the word Weet-a-bix before, and I thought it was UKish....
` Deteriorization of English... it's been going on for the past couple thousand years.... It used to have eleven cases... and now, what happened to them?

mutters said...

Deteriorization? Is that a new word.

English has evolved for the thousand years you mention until it reached its zenith around the 40's or 50's.
Then it seemed to plateau with minor additions and redundancies.
But only in the modern era (specifically the phone text era) has it really sunk to new levels.

Spoony Quine said...

` LOL! <-- sinking low!