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Tuesday, July 01, 2008


With 14 days to go until the papists descend on Sydney, the police have been given new powers to search and/or arrest those who, and I quote, “annoy” the pilgrims (Papists).
Not content with shutting down hospitals, train services and bus services, or with commandeering public parks and Sydney’s premier racecourse, the once Nazi Pope’s Gestapo have facilitated the rushing through of this new legislation (on the QT of course).

The report also claims anyone wearing an “anti-catholic T-shirt” (define that one!) can be arrested. Anyone handing out condoms too (because the Papists don’t agree with contraception – that’s why there’s so fuckin many of them) can be incarcerated.
And, get this, for some reason that’s beyond me...ride a skateboard and you’ll also get your collar felt!!!

...Anyway, to return to this “annoy” word. “Annoy?” Let’s just dwell on that for a moment. If you cut me off in traffic, I’ll be annoyed, right. I could have you arrested. If you turn away to talk to someone else whilst I’m talking to you, I’ll be (fuckin pissed off actually and may well give you both fuckin barrels y’fuckin contemptuous wanker!!!). Then I’ll have you arrested.
So, potentially, during Papistville (and notwithstanding corrupt coppers…):

If I smoke, it’ll almost certainly annoy someone – I’ll be arrested.
If I fart in an enclosed space – I’ll be arrested.
If I loudly belch – I’ll be arrested.
If I say fuck (yeah right, like that’s not gonna happen) – I’ll be arrested.
If I don’t look reverent of the occasion – I’ll be arrested.
If I don’t speak highly of the Pope – I’ll be arrested (Christ only knows what they do to me when they see my “The Pope’s a Nazi” placard…).

Basically, if I don’t believe – I risk being arrested. Like that's not Hitler-esque.
And there’s more; these Nazi-like powers don’t only apply to the police. No, the – get this as well – Rural Fire service and the State Emergency Service too have been employed to enforce this arbitration.

Two words – Get Fucked!

Well I for one am drawing the line so incensed I am with this violation of my human rights. (I may even contact the Court of Human Rights in fact...) I’m going into Papistville during the event with a T-shirt with William of Orange on it and a reference to 1690 (Google it). Maybe I’ll carry a copy of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code; that seemed to piss them off when it was released.

Or a shirt with, “I’m protestant and proud!!”

And I’m not alone. An S.C. (Senior Counsel) from the NSW Law society was on the radio a short time ago expressing her own outrage at this blatant violation of freedom of speech and movement. I doubt she’ll be so proactive as yours truly but then she’s not willing to be arrested!

Either way, this is outrageous and actually does compare with Germany in the forties. Getting arrested for annoying someone? I'm staggered...truly.


KB said...

You annoy someone? I find that hard to believe. *removes tongue from cheek* Don't forget to hand out those condoms too!

mutters said...

I'm tellin ye, man - Nazi Germany. I'm felin bored with life of late. Maybe I just will go in and get arrested.

For what I wonder...

Let's see now...

Heh heh. It has to be the Da Vinci Code novel! Oh man, they had a shitfit over it. No wait - a DV Code T-shirt hoho - they specifically made mention of "annoying" T-shirts!

This'll make some post. I don't think they'll allow cameras in jail though.

Spoony Quine said...

` Make fun of the Pope's hat!

mutters said...

Long time no hear, See.

Turns out there's a group called the "No to the Pope coalition" who are arranging a protest march. Hoho.

Think I'll join in.

And take my Proddy conversion kit:

A packet of condoms.
An edition of the Da Vinci Code
And a "get out of confession free" card (which entitles the bearer to avoid the "soul-flaying" and go straight to the debauchery).

Spoony Quine said...

` Indeed, I just saw this and could scarcely believe it! Just the thing that would make Mutters' day, in a way!
` Have fun! If they're anything like the Catholics up here, they think Martin Luther was the black guy who fought for racial equality.

mutters said...

It gets worse. The latest? A souvenir shop. Yep, you heard right. The Papists have gone retail on us. (Wonder do they have a Pope dartboard...).

Spoony Quine said...

` No, but magazine covers do just fine. Eyeballs get a hundred points!

` Sheesh... whatever happened with giving Caesar what is Caesar's?

` PS Due to holiday explosions I am up after 2:30 in the morning.... I like your time better!

mutters said...

230's early to bed for me due to the good old shift work. About 430-500 is my normal time.

Here's another one:

I went to World Youth Day and all I got was a dose of the clap (due to the no condom thing).


I went to WYD and spawned a bastard (again - the no rubber thing, plus I didn't marry the "pilgrim" I inadvertently knocked up). Actually, there's a good competition.

Spoony Quine said...

` Ah, the repressed masses!

mutters said...

And stupid - so incredibly stupid, don't forget that.

Spoony Quine said...

` Yes, stupidity plays a large role. If not that, ignorance does.
` This is not to say that most religious people I know are stupid... but... for example the one who put me up to drawing the weird Beanie Baby thing (in my art post)... I don't know. She's got issues.
` Now, she's Catholic, and no, she did not know who Martin Luther is, even though I told her several times.
` Amazingly, she did not know the significance of Adam's rib in a joke I made about Adam and Eve.
` That's right! Unlike the former Pope, she believed that Genesis was a literal story and made fun of me for 'believing in' evolution, but she also somehow missed the part with Adam's rib being made into Eve and was surprised when I explained the story to her.
` That's right, she believed that everything happened literally in Genesis, but apparently hadn't read it for herself!
` Not only this, but she was taunting a Lutheran friend of mine, "we get forgiven, but yo-ou, do-on't!"

` Is it sad that ranting about the same thing can bring people together?

mutters said...

And gullible. All religion relies on threats to scare their believers into it.
Sort of - "beleive or you're going to hell!"
An exploitation of man's search for the point of life, which I'm happy to tell you here on this blog is as follows:

In the words of Eddie Hitler - "You're born
you keep your head down,
then you die - if you're lucky".

That's all she wrote.

Spoony Quine said...

` Yes, gullibility is important, though most of my Christian friends believe that if you're decent to other people, that's good enough. They're not gullible and don't take the bible literally.

` Even so, I do have this one friend who was raised by this crazy abusive fundamentalist family who once tried bribing me into their religion.
` Her mom and grandma had me sit in a circle and pretend to chant and kept saying, "When you die, you'll go right to heaven! Right to heaven!" in a singsong voice. I had to try so hard not to laugh. It was real scary, too!
` They gave me this booklet that told me how evil and horrible everyone was, but that God would overlook that if we just believed. It explicitly went on and on about how a Christian serial killer psychopath that tortured and killed people and animals would go to heaven while the most caring, loving humanitarian who wasn't a Christian would go to hell.
` Later, this friend tried telling me that if I didn't believe in God that I would be miserable my whole life and go to hell later. I told her that deities that hold people hostage do not get Brownie points from me. (Maybe they should go to hell?)
` That reminds me, a doctor once told me that if I didn't believe that Jesus was my Lord and Savior then I would not recover from whatever illness I had. Really!
` Anyway, my poor friend was struggling with this serious neurosis that God both a) loves everyone and b) will send innocent dead babies to hell because they haven't had the chance to learn about Jesus yet.
` Eventually, she stopped believing that and is now a liberal Christian who feels comfortable with the idea that life evolved, etc.

mutters said...

One must believe - in one's heart (and one can't fake it).

That's the only way. (There's a lot more but I have to go out - I'll tell all later).