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Monday, August 04, 2008


In Mugabeland, where inflation sits at two million percent, a loaf costs, what was it, 200 billion or something as ridiculous?

In the normal world where inflation is about 3-4 percent, the American Hello (or something - they're all the same to me), and another British mag have paid 15 million for pictures of the Brangelina offspring.

Credit to the parents, mind, they've donated it all to charity but still...15 million??? For baby pictures? They'd need to be able to flap the wings on their arses and fly for that sort of dough if ye ask me!

My word!!!


KB said...

That's some expensive toast.

Can you imagine what those kids are gonna look like with those genes!!!!

mutters said...

Toast? Who mentioned toast? Must be dinner time hoho.

Unless of course it skips a generation. That'd be a bummer!

Kate has a daughter - bet she'll be beautiful too.

KB said...

You mentioned bread, they still make toast from bread as far as I know

mutters said...

Well, "loaf", but same thing, granted.

Hmmm...toast and bananas, or jam (of course, butter...).

Spoony Quine said...


MMm. Toast and bananas AND jam!

mutters said...

Am eatin' that right now as a matter of fact (and goes part of the way to explainin' why my keyboard's fucked...) - minus the bananas, but with thick slices cut from a full loaf.

Washed down with a mug of tea.

Keep your caviar - this is eatin'!