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Sunday, November 11, 2007


There has been a spate of these vicious attacks around old Sydney town of late. One of which involved two women. The unfortunate victim in this case was a pretty 22 year old. Why the author of the article felt the need to mention 'pretty' is a bit of a worry; are we to think that ugly people are less deserved of our sympathy?
(IN fact, it's all about tweaking peoples heartstrings in order to sell papers - that's the ultimate tragedy...)

So, the concerned parties have all, almost as a single voice, called for the glass glasses to be replaced with plastic ones to prevent further attacks. Good idea actually and will certainly prevent any more disfigurement. We'll leave the various other implements found in the average bar that could be used as weapons for another time (think bottles, shorts glasses, chairs etc).
The experienced and long time drinkers aren't happy about this suggestion, claiming that the beer doesn't taste the same out of plastic as it does glass. Though not a hardened drinker, I would tend to agree. But what's the alternative. Well, obviously, if we could somehow control the drunks in society...but especially in this Australian society, where to drink piss is almost a right of passage, where if one doesn't imbue regularly one is considered a freak, it has problems. Here in Oz, they have a thing called the 'drive through bottlo', a place where one can fill the boot of one's car with as much piss as one can carry.
How can we seriously think we're going to control such drunken behaviour when we're offering drink at cut prices, from drive through shops? When we get in the mail, offers of cases and cases of booze for little money?
Glasses have been smashed in peoples' faces since the beginning of time; as a young man, I was always very wary whenever I went out to bars. I have always been very conscious of alcohol-fuelled violence, being as I was, on the receiving end of it several times. Some I was able to defend myself, others, I took a kickin. Thankfully, I have never had a broken glass shoved in my face. I can only imagine what horror the victim must feel as the razor sharp broken glass just eviscerates almost, the face.
Sight is lost, scarring is permanent. All because some fuckwit full of piss has taken an umbrage.
But perhaps most frightening of all is the fact that now young women are becoming involved in what was a male dominated activity.

I'll tell you who's to blame for this. Bloody Germaine Greer and her ilk telling women for years that they're man's equal. Well maybe today's modern man who's hen-pecked, and pussy-whipped, but not me, girly. You aren't my equal no matter how many bras you burn.
It's the same with driving as well; young girls now are becoming more brazen with their driving - zipping about in their little racy cars like they're on a racetrack. That also used to be the domain of young men.
But now, armed with years of self belief, the young women are now as aggressive as young men.

Where's it going to end? The extrapolation's a bit scary.


KB said...

Germaine Greer sure gets a lot of mention on your blog M. Wonder if her ears are burning or should I say bras. Probably both.

mutters said...

The woman needs a good dickin, mate - pardon my vulgarity.