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Monday, November 12, 2007


Because the airlines have set their sights on you. It seems that if you're too fat, you're going to attract a 'fat tax'; similar to the extra payment one has to pay if one exceeds weight limits for baggage.
Matter of fact, Jetstar, Qantas's younger sibling as it were, has installed bigger seats in some of their aircraft to accommodate the more portly among us. The report I heard didn't elucidate whether said seats carried a higher charge but in this world of constant grab for money, I'd be very surprised if it didn't

Is it justified?

Is it discrimination?

Depends on to whom you speak. Theoretically, it seems...well, fair, really. I mean, aircraft need fuel; extra weight uses more fuel therefore one would think then, that as mentioned, if the weight limit is exceeded, regardless of how the limit is breached, an extra charge is indeed justified.

But many have come out screaming discrimination. I can understand that, being as I am, in the most viciously discriminated against group of citizens on earth - the downtrodden and put-upon smoker (aka the modern leper).

But mind you, if you've ever sat beside a really fat person on an aircraft (or bus, or train - which have a similar amount of room in their seats) you can no doubt understand as the rolls of obesity spill over every edge like escaped dough. Some even take up 2 or more seats so...why shouldn't they pay for 2 or more seats then...?'s going to happen regardless of objection. If you have a problem with it, get your fat arse off the sofa and lose some of the excess then it won't be an issue - simple.


KB said...

Some airlines do charge people double if they take up two seats. As they should.

mutters said...

Well I mean really, it's fair enough when one thinks about it. Use 2 2 tickets. Especially as my 6' 2" frame, although trim, is still squeezed into the seat. It's not that I'm to big for the seat per se, but the leg room's an issue for me. Grin and bear it is my motto (or, as I often do, sneak down the back and 'borrow' the flight attendant's seat hoho).