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Sunday, November 04, 2007


Small, unassuming, three bedder, backing onto bush...hmmm, maybe.


morgetron said...

Sure beats livin' in a van down by the river.

The important question: Do the BOYS like it?


mutters said...

Well it's funny - Scoob got out of the ute while I was inside and went up to investigate new arrivals (complete with brats).
Bloody woman called me a fucking dickhead quote unquote.

I think she was a 'westie'. (A westie is Australia's equivalent of white trash). Shit - there goes the neighbourhood!

My boys'll be happy as long as I'm there. Everybody say aawwww!

Jayne :) said...


Found it :) They say home is where the heart is? I believe it's what you make of it (having moved 5 times in the past 7 odd years!) - if it has potential to be a happy home, them you're halfway there :)

Good luck!

mutters said...

True, Jayney, very true. I have an offer in...been rejected. But no counter offer has been forthcoming so...
The house has been eaten through by termites and requires a significant amount of work (like a 'gut-out' almost - gut out is where the entire insides are taken out and replaced).
So the vendor's goin to have to come down some more before I entertain it.

Waiting, waiting...