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Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I had decided, after considering the market of late and what lay in it's future re: interest rate rises (one today - possibly 3 or 4 to come) to rent a place while I kept an eye on things.

So I called the above named agent and spoke with a man called Gordon. He told me of a house for rent and was no more than two sentences into the description when I said quite clearly, "Gordon, listen - and this will be the make or break of the decision, am I allowed my two pets in with me?"

"What type are they?" He asked.
"Border Collies", I answered.
"Nice dogs, yeah that'll be alright"

Over the next few days, I made my arrangements and today I called to confirm the agreed occupation date of today at 1500 (they wanted to clean it professionally apparently). I was informed by Betty, the secretary, that yes, it was a go for that time.
So after breakfast I went to the bank and retrieved the rental bond and a months rent, then to the storage unit to pick up a few things for the house.
Then. merrily, headed for my new home via the realtor's office to complete the official paperwork...
...during which time a piece of small print was pointed out to me. No pets it said. It was like I'd been punched in the gut. I was told in my original conversation with the untrustworthy Gordon, that I COULD have my pets inside. I now suspect the slimy little man was of the opinion that he'll just agree to anything to get my patronage, then hope after I've gone to considerable trouble, I'll just acquiesce and agree.

Sneaky wee fucker!
I've news for you Gordy, I will never abandon my Boys.

And you have just demonstrated again the levels to which you people (and by "you people" I quite obviously mean Real estate agents) will go in search of business. Lie, deceive, manipulate.

Nothing's beneath you it would seem.


KB said...

I'm sorry to hear this news M and quite frankly, I am outraged.

These agents don't care about people, they care about money and will do anything to fill rental properties.

All tenants state in the paper work if pets are welcome and if Gordy had bothered to check instead of lying through his teeth, he would have saved everyone involved alot of stress. What a wanker!

How do these idiots sleep at night?

Give those boys a big hug from me and remember...lycs.


P.S. RAY WHITE have offices in NZ and they won't be seeing any of my business again!

mutters said...

Good point KB; I was going to use them to sell my NZ property but they can sing for it now - and I'll gladly tell them why - GORDON!

My Boys are happy where I am, exactly why I'm not having them sleep outside but I'll give them am extra hug from KB.

mutters said...

More to the point - the mf wasted my time. Fuckin HATE havin my time wasted!

Head Cookie said...

Hey there Mutters,

Sorry to hear of the problems you are having. I don't blame you for not dumping the border collies they are awesome.

mutters said...

I dumped one to come here, Jadey and I won't do it again. In my defence I 'dumped' her with my parents and I know she's well taken care of so it eases the guilt somewhat but here I know no -one.
I will not abandon my Boys. Too many fuckers do that sort of thing hence the awful euthanasia rates amongst dogs in pounds.
Not mine!

KB said...

You should bill them for time wasted, loss of earnings and emotional distress!

mutters said...

Well I would...if I had any hard evidence, but as it's just his word against mine as to what was actually said, I have not a leg to stand on so...
I'll have my revenge in other ways.