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Tuesday, March 11, 2008


"...we ask, "should four-wheel drive vehicles be taxed separately for driving on our city streets?"

... ... ...don't know quite where to begin with this one. I KNOW it shits me, this whole sanctimony-riddled-opinion attitude. And I know I have a 4x4 ute whose "handiness" nullifies all question.

Sunrise is this "made for the masses" morning show full of happy, smiling faces. Bright colours, light entertainment. Boner inspiring women too actually - that could be just me...!
...Talking about "our world" and generally rattling on about how we should be nice to one another, and wringing their hands at the injustices of society - (most of, if not all of which is mercenary in that they're paid for what they say, a la script. Like radio hosts, their truthfulness of speech is questionable).

All shiny teeth and perfect hair, quick with a giggle or a quip, relishing in "Sandra from Whittlesea's" email, concerning her garden snail on her azaleas.

In the words of Vivian, from The Young Ones, that wonderfully irreverent TV show of the seventies, when they're parodying another show of the era, The Good LIfe - "it's all so bloody nice!". H goes on to rip the paper screen down, revealing himself and his crusty housemates (Rick, pronounced Rwick, Neil the hippy, amd Mike, the "normal" one).

Which would all be well and good were it not for the fact that, like the waiters/resses in any American town, whose words of greeting are largely and predominantly a training result, with the ultimate aim being of the customer returning - with their wallet, obviously.

Now that niceness is infringeing on my life. Bastard! Just fuck off, right!

Mine is a working ute, not a North Shore mother's fucking status symbol. If this proposed law had been in effect the last six months, I'd have been well carries things often, things that couldn't be carried in anything else, save a truck. As ute's do, and it goes to places where the four-wheel factor is required.

All my protestations aside, I think it's coming - eventually. Hopefully after the point I no longer care.

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