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Saturday, March 29, 2008


Well. It's eight o clock; it's the 29th of March -- and every light in my house (including the fridge door being left open) in on! Woohoo!

TV, stereo, laptop - all on. Oh - and the air-con.

How are you suckers doin', sittin' there in the dark? A spike in the conception rate will occur no doubt. Then you can say, "ooh, wittle Apple, or Posy (or some other such ridiculous 'Earth mama' name) was conceived during "Earth Hour". Why hold back, why not keep and name the placenta - y'freaks? "Inspiration of daughter" perhaps?

And back to your office building tomorrow that uses enough energy to power a small island! Secure in the knowledge you've done 'your bit' to combat an event over which we have absolutely zero effect.

Furthermore, despite the proclamations of concern for 'our planet', it now comes second to the reason we do anything. Wealth, and power. And with the kind of figures we're dealing with here, (more billions) and it's global commitment... pockets are being filled, rest assured of that.

More cynicism you say? You'd be right. Doesn't negate anything I say though.

It's defined as
1: the belief that people always act from selfish motives (in 'people' I speak of the Antichrist, Gore and his underlings) and,
2: a person who raises doubts about something (there are as many who dispute Gore's laughable and fodder of morons, theory, ME being one of them).

So-ooo...lights on! Finger extended!


morgetron said...

The only reason I'm here is to see nudity and to read the word "fuck". Point me in the right direction please.

morgetron said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mutters said...

Well, I know it's not strictly nudity, but there are nipples evident and that's not far off as good!

As for 'fuck'...well, it's almost like the 'superman' reference in Seinfeld (it's referred to in every episode apparently).
A moments scroll will find it - several times.

Actually, I had typed out the word with many smaller ones (the word lost its effect somewhat when typed a hundred times) but fuckin' blogger (useless fucker) 'flatlined' it during previewing (therefore posting so...).

Dirty bastard!

Oh - and - 'testicles'

Spoony Quine said...


morgetron said...

Hey sex pot. Where you be?


Spoony Quine said...

` Yeah, you've disappeared! Is it the fact that you're upside-down over there and you've fallen off the earth?