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Friday, March 07, 2008


Your swanning about the neighbourhood like you own it, secure in the knowledge that all the dogs are safely ensconsed behind locked gates or tethered to their fat masters, is at an end.

The Boys are in town.

Therefore let it be known, any scrawny cat found on the street while the Boys are patrolling is fair game.

The amnesty of the past two weeks (which was ample time for you to get outa town) ends at midnight on the 6th of March - that was last night btw, and one of your crew found out tonight to its surprise. (Heh heh - go Scoob!)

You have been afraid - be very afraid.

By order of the Boys' management.


Spoony Quine said...

` WHAT? Did Scoob eat someone's precious angel?*

* This message brought to you just to get you riled up.

mutters said...

Nah - just chased it away.

*Didn't work*

Spoony Quine said...

` That's good. Cats don't deserve to be eaten by dogs.
` I thought my cat's meeting with a Scottie dog was hilarious!
` I think I have a picture of that.... YES! I do!

mutters said...

What, y'mean the way they torture their prey before they kill it?

Bastard cats - just stay out of our way if y'know what's good for ye!

After the last thing I clicked on I'm almost scared to click this one hoho.

mutters said...

I tried introducing Scoob to a kitten once. Damn cat went off - hisin and spittin and tryin to claw Scoob's eyes out.
Scoob tried to eat it! Stupid fuckin cat!
If it'd just stayed calm everything woulda been fine but oh no, the dumb animal had to go off.

Next time I'll let him eat ye!

Spoony Quine said...

` Eh, cats can be crazy, though there's plenty of cats I know who love dogs and are confused when dogs chase them!

mutters said...

Well it's time they, how you say - "got with the programme" and realised their place in things.